The left is losing at the expense of the right, is there anyone “awake”?

epa03693597 Participants compete in the European Individual Chess Championship in Legnica, Poland, 09 May 3012. About 300 participants are competing for the title and 100,000 euro prize money until 17 May. EPA/MACIEJ KULCZYNSKI POLAND OUT

The biggest problem of today’s European Union is that the citizens do not trust institutions, both at the European and the national level. But there is a solution in the form of strong pressure from the outside and radical changes within institutions , concluded Dr. sc. Jordi Vaquer, director of the Open Society Initiative for…

“Pre-election activist inventory for the EU by 2020.”

Platform 112, Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia, Group 22, Clubture and Green forum presented the “Pre-election activist inventory for the EU by 2020.” It’s about the alternative propositions and innovation policy for higher democracy, security, and sustainable development in the new mandate of European Parliament and European Commission.  They invited candidates for European…

„Another EUrope is necessary and possible! “

 “Another EUrope is necessary and possible – with innovations for more democracy, solidarity and sustainable development in the new mandate of the European Parliament and the European Commission”, Platform 112, Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia, Group 22, Clubture and Green forum highlighted through presentation of the “Pre-election activist inventory for the EU by…

Citizens of Dubrovnik showed clear message of how to be a good citizen

Dubrovnik, 16.04.2013 - Ministarstvo pomorstva prometa i infrastrukture proslijedilo je putnièkim dubrovaèkim agencijama dopis kojim se oèituje o njihovom upitu o zakonitosti odluke o plaæanju naknade za prekomjernu upotrebu gradskih prometnica koju je uveo grad Dubrovnik 1. sijeènja ove godine, u kojem stoji da grad nije nadležan za odreðivanje te naplate. Arhivska fotografija od 07.05.2006 prikazuje panoramu Dubrovnika. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR/ ik

In a democratic society, it is legitimate to fail with an initiative, but it is much more dangerous for a democracy to lack initiatives and people who fight for the common good and public interest. The Dubrovnik referendum has brought up hundreds of people who are willing to dedicate their time, knowledge and experience fighting…

EUvox, EU-wide voting advice application, presented

Zagreb, 24.04.2014 - Predstavljanje glasaèkog kompasa - EUvox 2014 u Kuæi Europe u Zagrebu. EUvox 2014 je on-line platforma koja biraèima olakšava odabir politièke opcije na izborima, a od 24. travnja bit æe dostupna za predstojeæe europske izbore u svim zemljama EU, ukljuèujuæi Hrvatsku. Na slici Dario Nikiæ Èakar, voditeljica Ureda za informiranje Europskog parlamenta u Hrvatskoj Violeta Simeonova Stanièiæ i izvršni direktor GONG-a Dragan Zeliæ. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /dc

EUvox, an EU-wide voting advice application (VAA) for the 2014 European Parliament elections, was presented in the Europe House in Zagreb on Thursday. The purpose of EUvox is to help citizens choose the political party that best matches their own policy preferences and enable them to have quick access to information about the positions of all parties…

Politics for people – not profit!

Many of our national laws start life at the EU level and big corporations and the banks spend hundreds of millions of euros every year to ensure that EU policy-making meets their needs– and it works. But Europe’s citizens can take action at says ALTER – EU. Meanwhile people like us lose out. The…