The Future of EU: the Union Cannot Prevail Without European Citizens

Debate on the future of Europe will not achieve its goal without greater openness, inclusiveness and transparency in the management of European affairs in the member states, Gong and the Slovenian Institute Danes je nov dan warned in their contribution to the debate at the Conference on the Future of Europe. The European Union cannot…

Pro-NGO: quality management for social change

Pro-NGO – quality management for social change is a capacity building project for civil society organizations in Croatia. Project applicant Culture Development Association “CDA” implements this project with 5 different civil society organizations and with a Norwegien partner. The financial support for this project is 200.000 EUR and project duration is 36 months. Innovative approach…

How can EU citizens vote in local elections in Croatia?

Citizens of other EU member states living in Croatia need to register by April 15 in order to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming local elections on May 16. All citizens of the European Union have a certain set of legally guaranteed rights throughout the EU. Such status gives them the right to…

Gong’s comments on the Digital Sevrice Act

Gong shared its perspectives and suggestions on some of the articles of the Chapter III of the Digital Service Act: Article 19 (Trusted Flaggers) Having in mind the differences between some member states in relation to the rule of law, it would be beneficial to address the possible need for awarding the trusted flaggers’ status…

Institutionalised sources of corruption in Croatia: an experts’ insight

Zagreb, 15.03.2021 - Vijećnik Gonga Dario Čepo sa Katedre za sociologiju zagrebačkog Pravnog fakulteta na konferenciji za medije predstavio je publikaciju pod nazivom 'Institucionalni izvori ukorijenjenosti korupcije u Hrvatskoj: uvid stručnjakinja'. Na fotografiji Dario Čepo, Đurđica Klancir, Oriana Ivković Novokmet. foto HINA/ Daniel Kasap/ dk

Gong presented the research ‘Institutional sources of corruption in Croatia: an experts’ insight’, and its author doc. dr. sc. Dario Čepo from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and a member of the Gong Council pointed out that corruption is linked to political institutions. The research Institutionalised sources of corruption…

Instead of fighting corruption, the Minister prefers to accuse Gong

From the letter of the Minister of Justice and Public Administration Ivan Malenica to GRECO, in which he tried to deal with Gong, it is clear that our concern is justified and that the Commission for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest will lose its power. The Commission will no longer be able to decide…