EUvox, EU-wide voting advice application, presented

Zagreb, 24.04.2014 - Predstavljanje glasaèkog kompasa - EUvox 2014 u Kuæi Europe u Zagrebu. EUvox 2014 je on-line platforma koja biraèima olakšava odabir politièke opcije na izborima, a od 24. travnja bit æe dostupna za predstojeæe europske izbore u svim zemljama EU, ukljuèujuæi Hrvatsku. Na slici Dario Nikiæ Èakar, voditeljica Ureda za informiranje Europskog parlamenta u Hrvatskoj Violeta Simeonova Stanièiæ i izvršni direktor GONG-a Dragan Zeliæ. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /dc

EUvox, an EU-wide voting advice application (VAA) for the 2014 European Parliament elections, was presented in the Europe House in Zagreb on Thursday.

The purpose of EUvox is to help citizens choose the political party that best matches their own policy preferences and enable them to have quick access to information about the positions of all parties in these crucial elections.

The application will be available to Croatian voters at, said Dario Nikic Cakar, a member of the Croatian Country Team that took part in the elaboration of the Croatian version of EUvox.

The application has 30 questions divided into three groups: economy, society, and EU-related matters.

The bulk of the questions is the same for each EU member state, however, the Croatian version has seven specific questions concerning topical issues such as a plan to lease state-owned motorways, the issue of the Cyrillic script in Vukovar, layoffs in the public-sector, and so on.