Code of good practice for consultations of state and civil society in adopting legislation and other general acts

Representative of GONG participated in drafting this Code of Good Practice during 2007 and 2008 organized by Government‘s Office for NGOs. Drafting of this Code is one of the priority measures of the Action Plan of National Strategy for Inciting Development of Civil Society. Representative of GONG participated in drafting this Code of Good Practice…

Monitoring of implementation of national strategy for inciting development of civil society and action plan

GONG constantly monitors implementation of parts of National Strategy and its Action Plan. In addition, GONG representatives occasionally participate in working groups for implementing measures from the Action Plan. GONG constantly monitors implementation of parts of National Strategy and its Action Plan. In addition, GONG representatives occasionally participate in working groups for implementing measures from…

Act on Preventing of the Conflict of Interests in Exercise of Public Office

Zagreb, 06.03.2013. - Prva sjednica Povjerenstva za odluèivanje o sukobu interesa održana je u novim prostorijama u ulici Kneza Mutimira u Zagrebu. Na slici ploèa s nazivom Povjerenstva. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ lsd

In March 2008 a Bill for amending the Act on Conflict of Interests was passed by Croatian Government ant it was sent in parliamentary procedure at the end of April 2008. GONG has protested against the proposal and against the way it was set in motion in summary enactment procedure without public discussion of the…

Election of representatives of the European Parliament

GONG has protested against an urgent procedure of the Law on Election of representatives of the European Parliament. State Election Commission, NGOs and public was not consulted regarding the Law. Moreover, the Law is not in line with the Constitution which grants voting right only to the Croatian citizens. According to the Law, voting rights…

Research study of the electoral administration in Croatia

Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja, do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije, iduæe godine. Arhivska fotografija od 25.11.2007. godine prikazuje graðane dok glasuju. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

The consultancy services for electoral administration research, implemented by GONG, were based on the Terms of References announced by UNDP Resident Representative Office in Croatia in February 2008. The consultancy services for electoral administration research are be implemented within the „Capacity building of the State Election Commission in Croatia” Project. The consultancy services for electoral…

GONG: Financing Election Campaigns and Conflict of Interest

Zagreb, 01.03.2013 - Prosjeèna mjeseèna isplaæena neto plaæa po zaposlenom u pravnim osobama u Hrvatskoj za prosinac 2012. godine iznosila je 5.487 kunu, što je nominalno 3,4 posto manje i realno 3,3 posto manje u odnosu na studeni, objavio je Državni zavod za statistiku (DZS). Ilustracija od 16.08.2012. godine prikazuje kovanice. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

Addressing a round table discussion on financing election campaigns and on conflict of interest, which was organised in Zagreb on Tuesday by GONG, a nongovernmental organisation for monitoring elections, Krasic said she could not make the findings available to public before the parliament discussed it. GONG held a round table in Croatian Parliament under the auspicies…