Research study of the electoral administration in Croatia

Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja, do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije, iduæe godine. Arhivska fotografija od 25.11.2007. godine prikazuje graðane dok glasuju. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

The consultancy services for electoral administration research, implemented by GONG, were based on the Terms of References announced by UNDP Resident Representative Office in Croatia in February 2008. The consultancy services for electoral administration research are be implemented within the „Capacity building of the State Election Commission in Croatia” Project.

The consultancy services for electoral administration research, implemented by GONG, were based on the Terms of References announced by UNDP Resident Representative Office in Croatia in February 2008. The consultancy services for electoral administration research are be implemented within the „Capacity building of the State Election Commission in Croatia” Project.

The research study cosistsed of:
– Electoral management (theoretical framework, models),
– Oversight of the Croatian system (State Election Commission, constituency/municipal/town election commissions, IT support system, Central State Administration Office, Ministry of International Affaires and Ministry of Interior),
– Comparative analysis of electoral administration in other countries,
– Cost and Benefit Analysis,
– Human resources,
– IT system

The study is available (only in Croatian) here.