Growing number of irregularities at polling stations

Zagreb, 19.05.2013 - Nešto više od 3, 7 milijuna biraèa danas bira lokalne dužnosnike za iduæe èetiri godine. Na slici biraèko mjesto u Mjesnom odboru Malešnica. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ lsd

GONG, a nongovernmental organisation in charge of monitoring election processes in Croatia has received an increasing number of complaints about irregularities in the election process, most of these are related to the unprofessional behaviour of election committees, violation of the election black-out and two incidents of alleged attempts to buy votes, a report released by…

What happens behind the closed doors of the European Union?

Citizens’ have a right to know what the decisions MEPs are and what decisions are made by the European Commission. How to handle corridors of the administration of the European Union, see the Access Info’s Guide to access EU documents. Guide to access EU documents contains detailed information about the fundamental right of access to…

What is our understanding of conflict of interest?

Zagreb, 06.03.2013. - Prva sjednica Povjerenstva za odluèivanje o sukobu interesa održana je u novim prostorijama u ulici Kneza Mutimira u Zagrebu. Na slici ploèa s nazivom Povjerenstva. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ lsd

Conflict of interest is an extremely complex social, political and legal concept which has recently been gaining importance in numerous countries. The number of public functions encompassed by conflict of interest management policies is increasing as well as the number of instruments used and the density of regulation. General public is becoming more interested in…

About 28.000 people in Croatia don’t live at permanent address

About 28,000 people in Croatia do not live at their permanent registered address and 217,000 do not have a valid identity card, Interior Ministry official Gordana Valenta said on Monday at a public discussion organised by the GONG nongovernmental organisation on the application of the permanent residence law and upcoming local elections. Valenta said the…

Who else is registered at my address?

Zagreb, 29.03.2013 - Prosjeèna starost hrvatskog stanovništva u proteklih 50 godina porasla je za gotovo 10 godina, a broj starijih od 65 godina po prvi je puta premašio broj mlaðih od 14 godina, pri èemu je meðu starijom populacijom više žena, a meðu mlaðom više muškaraca, pokazuju danas objavljeni podatci o dobnoj i spolnoj strukturi iz Popisa stanovništva 2011. Arhivska fotografija od 1.4.2011. godine popisivanje stanovništva na poèetku Popisa stanovništva, kuæanstava i stanova, najveæeg statistièkog istraživanje na podruèju Republike Hrvatske, koje je bilo provedeno u razdoblju od 1. do 28. travnja. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ/ ds

Upon implementation of new Residency Act, and with upcoming local elections, GONG organizes a public debate “Who else is registered at my address?” on Monday, 6th of May 2013 from 10am to 12am at Human Rights House (Selska cesta 112c, Zagreb). „There were instances where out  of 1.200  cases that were investigated, as many as hundred…

Trust is good, control is better

What kind of “engineering” of anti-corruption activism do we need, if any? How to expand the circle of actors and policies? How to strengthen the citizen-CSO’s-institutions relationship? How to ensure autonomous, professional and engaged action of the media? How to encourage professional associations and trade unions, and what to do with activism on the local…