Last day of collecting signatures for referendum against leasing motorways

Zagreb, 18.7.2013.- Dvjestotinjak zaposlenika Hrvatskih autocesta, èlanova Nezavisnog cestarskog sindikata, krenuli su nešto prije 10 sati s Trga bana Jelaèiæa prema Banskim dvorima, prosvjedujuæi protiv monetizacije autocesta. Na slici prosvjednici na Trgu bana Jelaèiæa. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ/ ua

The “We won’t give our motorways” civil society group at midnight on Saturday ends collecting signatures for a referendum against the leasing of motorways to monetise their debts and its representatives voiced confidence that enough citizens would support the petition. “We will certainly make it. Citizens have listened to our call and there are lines…

MPs call for more resolutely punishing hate speech

Zagreb, 02.06.2013 - Doček rezultata drugog kruga lokalnih izbora u stožeru nezavisnog kandidata za zagrebačkog gradonačelnika Milana Bandića u šatoru na Bundeku. Na slici sve je spremno za prve izborne rezultate nakon završetka glasovanja. foto FaH/ Damir SENČAR /ds

Members of parliament said on Friday the situation in Croatian media was deteriorating and that local media were barely surviving, calling for more resolutely punishing hate speech and the spreading of intolerance. They were discussing the Electronic Media Council’s performance report for 2013. Milorad Pupovac of the Independent Democratic Serb Party said the situation was…

European Parliament approves new European Commission

The European Parliament approved at a plenary in Strasbourg on Wednesday a new European Commission presided over by Jean-Claude Juncker, which will take office on November 1. A total of 699 members of the European Parliament voted, with 423 in favour of Juncker’s Commission, 209 against and 67 abstentions. Addressing the European Parliament before the…

MPs call for debate on amending election rules

Zagreb, 22.01.2014 - Sabor je jutros zapoèeo proljetno zasjedanje. Na slici premijer Zoran Milanoviæ. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ik

Some of the party groups in the Croatian parliament on Wednesday urged opening a debate on changes to electoral rules, asking Speaker Josip Leko to send all MPs a copy of a letter on that topic he received from President Ivo Josipovic. “I ask that you copy the letter and distribute it to the MPs…

Over 160,000 signatures collected so far for referendum

Since Saturday, when a referendum petition drive was launched against monetisation of the debt incurred by state-owned motorway operators, over 160,000 signatures have been collected, two activists of the civil society group that organised the drive told a news conference in Zagreb on Tuesday. Teodor Celakoski and Mijat Stanic expressed satisfaction with the pace of…

Only one in three state companies publishes donations

The national anti-corruption council on Tuesday welcomed progress made in the implementation of anti-corruption measures in state-run companies, but it warned that it was unacceptable that even two thirds of such companies did not make public donations and sponsorships they received. “Sponsorships and donations have been considerably reduced compared to previous periods, they still stand…