Parliamentary committee allocates funds for parties

Zagreb, 09.04.2014 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustva Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici predsjednik Odbora Peða Grbin. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The parliamentary committee on the Constitution on Friday decided on the allocation of funds for the financing of parliamentary parties and independent MPs who will receive HRK 5 million more in 2015 than this year. The parties will receive HRK 55 million in total, allocated according to the number of seats they had when the…

Efforts to improve the implementation of legislation in Croatia

Zagreb, 01.03.2013 - Prosjeèna mjeseèna isplaæena neto plaæa po zaposlenom u pravnim osobama u Hrvatskoj za prosinac 2012. godine iznosila je 5.487 kunu, što je nominalno 3,4 posto manje i realno 3,3 posto manje u odnosu na studeni, objavio je Državni zavod za statistiku (DZS). Ilustracija od 16.08.2012. godine prikazuje kovanice. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

Efforts are being made to impose adequate sanctions to the parties that have violated regulations, and to give the issue of party funding the proper place in public legal and political sphere. After the State Audit Office detected a series of irregularities and violations while conducting financial audit of political parties and independent representatives for…

The answer to the remaining gaps in the political activities and election campaign regulation

Zagreb, 10.04.2013.- Prosjeèna neto plaæa zaposlenih u pravnim osobama u Zagrebu za sijeèanj ove godine iznosila je 6.399 kuna, što je u odnosu na mjesec prije predstavlja blagi nominalni pad, za 0,1 posto ili za pet kuna. Arhivska fotografija od 14.1.2011. godine - ilustracija. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR/ ik

Although the Croatian government has made a significant step towards achieving international standards and better regulation of that problematic area by proposing a new bill on political activities and election campaign financing, some important areas will still remain insufficiently regulated. Although the Croatian government has made a significant step towards achieving international standards and better…