Croatia to hold 1st election for its members of European Parliament on 14 April

Zagreb, 01.03.2013 - Izbori za hrvatske zastupnike Europskog parlamenta održat æe se 14. travnja, objavio je u petak hrvatski predsjednik Ivo Josipoviæ, naglasivši da je tu odluku donio nakon konzultacija s vladom, parlamentarnim strankama i nevladinim udrugama. Arhivska fotografija od 16.11.2012. godine prikazuje predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Ivu Josipoviæa dok daje izjavu za medije u Uredu Predsjednika. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

 Croatia will hold its first election for its deputies to the European Parliament on 14 April, Croatian President Ivo Josipovic said on Friday. The president told the press that the decision to call the elections for Croatian MEPs on 14 April was made after he had held consultations with the government, parliamentary parties and nongovernmental…

Elections for the EP should be separated from local elections

Zagreb, 15.03.2013 - Predsjednik republike Ivo Josipoviæ danas je najoštrije osudio izjave izvršnog predsjednika Dinama Zdravka Mamiæa upuæenih na raèun ministra znanosti obrazovanja i sporta Željka Jovanoviæa, nazvavši ih govorom mržnje. Arhivska fotografija Ive Josipoviæa tijekom tiskovne konferencije u Zagrebu 18.08.2011. godine. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ds

Elections for the European Parliament should be separated from local elections to avoid the possible miscommunication of pre-election messages to the citizens, representatives of GONG warned the President Ivo Josipović, who began consultations on the date of the euro-elections. At the end of the week Croatian citizens should know the date of the first elections…

Election of representatives of the European Parliament

GONG has protested against an urgent procedure of the Law on Election of representatives of the European Parliament. State Election Commission, NGOs and public was not consulted regarding the Law. Moreover, the Law is not in line with the Constitution which grants voting right only to the Croatian citizens. According to the Law, voting rights…