European Parliament approves new European Commission

The European Parliament approved at a plenary in Strasbourg on Wednesday a new European Commission presided over by Jean-Claude Juncker, which will take office on November 1. A total of 699 members of the European Parliament voted, with 423 in favour of Juncker’s Commission, 209 against and 67 abstentions. Addressing the European Parliament before the…

What does the EU consider citizens rights to be?

Democracy „the Hungarian way“ and Russia and Turkey as its role models is being discussed for quite some time now, and it raises conserns among civil society organizations in Europe, especially having in mind recent events in Hungary. Meanwhile, the EU does not have this concerns in mind – they want the new commissioner for…

Juncker unveils new European Commission

The European Commission’s President-elect, Jean-Claude Juncker, on Wednesday unveiled his team and the new shape of the next European Commission, with Croatian Commissioner Neven Mimica being at the helm of the department of International Cooperation and Development. source: European Commission – click to enlarge “The new College will have seven Vice-Presidents, six in addition to…

Juncker presents candidates for European commissioners

epa04316468 Jean-Claude Juncker, candidate for President of the European Commission, delivers his statement during the plenary session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 15 July 2014. EPA/PATRICK SEEGER

European Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday presented all candidates for his Commission, including Neven Mimica of Croatia. After holding consultations with the candidates in recent days, Juncker on Friday sent a list with the new commissioners to the Council of the EU, which is expected to formally confirm it. Until the list is approved,…

Enhancing the transparency and inclusiveness of the EU accession process


EESC adopted an own-initiative Opinion on Enhancing the transparency and inclusiveness of the EU accession process on the EESC Plenary session on 9 or 10 July, tabled by Marina Skrabalo – an EESC member from Croatia. The Opinion outlines some of the key features and lessons learned from the EU’s enlargement policy over the past…

Education is worth any cost!

“Education spending is an investment in our future and should not be part of the government’s fiscal balance”, said the Nobel Laureate Economist Christopher Pissarides, Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics.  Primary role of education is its contribution to longer-run economic growth. It has a big role to play in the…