Activists call on Croatians to vote “No” at marriage referendum

Dozens of nongovernmental organisations dealing with various human rights issues on Wednesday rallied in downtown Zagreb to call on Croatians to vote against a constitutional definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman during a referendum on this matter to be held in Croatia on 1 December. Those activists said today…

Civil initiative asks Constitutional Court to assess marriage referendum question

Representatives of a Facebook civil initiative on Monday asked the Constitutional Court to assess if the referendum question on marriage as a heterosexual union is in accordance with the Constitution. The initiative has nearly 4,500 members, its representative Natasa Skaricic told Hina, saying it was unacceptable that the referendum called for December 1 should be…

Unions and NGOs against planned lease of motorways

Zagreb, 21.10.2013 - Javna tribina na temu "Prema platformi za zajednièka i javna dobra: Sluèaj monetizacije i dugoroène koncesije autocesta" u Hrvatskom novinarskom društvu. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

The government’s decision on the possible lease of motorways for 30 to 50 years was severely criticised by trade unions, nongovernmental organisations and experts at a panel discussion in Zagreb on Monday. They said they would put together “a broad platform” of representatives of the public, NGOs and unions to press the government to reconsider…

«Self advocacy gives the person better self-esteem»

Zagreb, 04.10.2013 - Udruga za samozastupanje, GONG, Europska platforma samozastupnika (EPSA) te Inclusion Europe organiziraju trodnevnu europsku konferenciju samozastupnika "Èujte naše glasove: Graðani prije svega!". foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

Disability, legal capacity, living independently in the community, getting married and starting a family, what to do after finishing school, closing institutions, the right to decide, how to influence society – all of this things taken for granted among so called «normal» people, mean the world for people with intellectual disabilities. And as self advocates…

NGOs believe in restoration of dialogue in Vukovar


The non-governmental organisations Documenta, the Centre for Peace Studies, GONG and the Centre for Peace issued a statement on Thursday following the latest developments in Vukovar, expressing their full support for establishing democratic standards and restoring dialogue so that the people of Vukovar could continue the peace building process by themselves. “Vukovar, as a town…

Health Education to be introduced at start of this school year

Zagreb, 28.08.2013 - Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta predstavit će na konferenciji za novinare Plan i program Zdravstvenog odgoja, rezultate javne rasprave i Priručnike za Zdravstveni odgoj za osnovne i srednje škole. Na slici ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Željko Jovanović, ravnatelj Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje Vinko Filipović i član Povjerenstva za Zdravstveni odgoj Darko Tot. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK /ds

All the educational, technical and procedural conditions to introduce Health Education (HE) in primary and secondary schools have been met and it will be introduced at the start of this school year, Minister of Science, Education and Sports Zeljko Jovanovic told a press conference on Wednesday. He presented the results of a public debate, the…