Objection to reduction of VAT on newspapers

Zagreb, 10.06.2013 - Hrvatski æe sabor u sutrašnjem nastavku zasjedanja razmotriti konaèni tekst zakona o porezu na dodanu vrijednost (PDV), kojim je, meðu ostalim, previðena niža stopa PDV-a za dio dnevnih novina. Arhivska fotografija od dana 31.07.2008. godine prikazuje razne dnevne novine u Hrvatskoj. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ/ ik

Some external members of the parliamentary Finance Committee on Monday objected to a proposal to reduce Value Added Tax (VAT) on some daily newspapers, stating that the reduction of VAT from 10 percent to five ppercent should be applied to all newspapers and not just some, while some members said VAT should remain as it…

One World – One Struggle

Croatian organizations express their resentment with the repression in Turkey that has been going on for a long time, and recently, with the media blockade, reached alarming proportions. Also, as activists for human and workers’ rights, democratization, protection of the environment and public resources, we express our solidarity with Turkish activists and encourage them in…

Creation of Croatian state started in parliament

Zagreb, 29.05.2013 - U prigodi Dana Hrvatskoga sabora, 30. svibnja, predsjednik Sabora Josip Leko na sveèanom je prijemu ugostio saborske zastupnike, uglednike iz politièkog i javnog života, diplomatski zbor. Na slici predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Josip Leko, predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipoviæ, ministar poljoprivrede Tihomir Jakovina, ministar obrane Ante Kotromanoviæ, ministar uprave Arsen Bauk, ministar unutarnjih poslova Ranko Ostojiæ, ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Željko Jovanoviæ, potpredsjednici Hrvatskog sabora Željko Reiner i Nenad Staziæ, ministar zaštite okoliša i prirode Mihael Zmajloviæ, ministar rada i mirovinskog sustava Mirando Mrsiæ, ministrica kulture Andrea Zlatar Violiæ, ministar branitelja Predrag Matiæ, potpredsjednica Vlade i ministrica vanjskih i europskih poslova Vesna Pusiæ ministar turizma Darko Lorencin, glavni državni odvjetnik Mladen Bajiæ, predsjednica Ustavnog suda Jasna Omejec, predsjednik Vrhovnog suda Branko Hrvatin i zagrebaèki nadbiskup, kardinal Josip Bozaniæ tijekom prijema. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

The creation of the present-day, independent, modern and democratic Croatian state began in the Croatian parliament on 30 May 1990, Speaker Josip Leko said on Wednesday at a celebration of Croatian Parliament Day. The formation of the first multiparty and democratically elected parliament, together with the first multiparty election and independence referendum, was “one of…

PM’s future reporting on EU Council meetings

The prime minister will report to Parliament more than twice each year on the work of meetings held with the European Council, was concluded at a meeting on Tuesday of the parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System which discussed a bill on cooperation between the Sabor and government concerning European affairs.…

Parliament moves to regulate cooperation with government in EU affairs

Zagreb, 22.03.2013 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici predsjednik Odbora Peða Grbin, Tonino Picula, Marin Jurjeviæ i Nenad Staziæ. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

The Croatian Parliament took the first step on Thursday to formally regulate its cooperation with the Government in European affairs as its Committee on the Constitution and Standing Orders drew up a bill on such cooperation and forwarded it to Parliament for further consideration. The bill defines the way in which representatives of Croatia will…

Constitutional Court abolishes Health Education Curriculum

The Croatian Constitutional Court on Wednesday abolished the Health Education Curriculum, which took effect in February, and ordered that until the adoption of a new curriculum Health Education be taught according to the curriculum that had been in force before the start of this school year. The court assessed the constitutionality of the curriculum at…