The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System unanimously decided on Tuesday to ask the government to crosscheck the signatures collected for a referendum against the leasing of motorways to monetise their debt, and the decision is expected to be confirmed by parliament. A civil group called “We won’t give our motorways”…
Croatia to hold sixth presidential election on 28 December
The Croatian government decided to call a presidential election for 28 December 2014, and in case that none of the candidates wins more than 50 percent of the vote, the first two vote-getters will compete in a run-off 14 days later, that is on 11 January 2015. The president is directly elected for a five-year…
Signatures handed over to Sabor for motorway referendum
Activists who launched a petition for a referendum against the government’s plan to lease motorways in order to monetise their state-owned operators’ debt, on Monday handed boxes with over 530,000 signatures to Parliament Speaker Josip Leko. “We have collected 530,853 signatures of citizens who have thus sent a message to the government that they want…
As many as 1.473.218 Croatian citizens living „in the dark“
Although the inhabitants of Rijeka can boast living in the most transparent city in Croatia, with the Varaždin county in the lead among the twenty counties and Belica taking the first place among municipalities, on the whole, every third citizen of Croatia lives “in the dark” – show the results of the LOTUS openness and…
Assessment of the Reform Capacities of the Croatian Government, 2011 –2014 (an abstract)
This Report abstract represents a cursory assessment of the Government’s work with respect to the 112 demands over the course of three years of its term, from January 2012 to late-October 2014. The Report is based on the knowledge and experience of Platform 112 member organizations focused on the systematic monitoring of government institutions, public…
Assessment of the Reform Capacities of the Croatian Government, 2011 –2014
On the eve of the last year of the current Croatian Government’s term, the civil society watchdog coalition Platform 112 expresses concern and regrets regarding missed opportunities that have led to a decreasing number of people who truly exercise their rights, as well as a further loss of citizens’ trust. Instead of turning away from…