NGOs urge government not to attack judicial authority

Zagreb, 23.07.2013 - Tiskovna konferencija u Ministarstvu financija. Na slici ministar financija Slavko Linić tijekom konferencije. foto FaH/ Damir SENČAR /ds

Platform 112, a group of nongovernmental organisations, on Wednesday called on members of the executive government to refrain from verbal attacks on the judicial authority and especially to avoid direct confrontations with certain judges regarding the way they are handling ongoing cases. “We ask the government and all ministers to be consistent in applying the…

Reappointed Supreme Court president takes oath

Doček rezultata referenduma u Hrvatskom saboru

Branko Hrvatin was sworn in on Monday before Croatian President Ivo Josipovic for his third consecutive four-year term as president of the Supreme Court. At the ceremony, President Josipovic congratulated Hrvatin expressing confidence he would be successful as he had been during his past terms. They both underlined the importance of judicial independence. I wish…

European Affairs Committee holds first session

Zagreb, 11.04.2013 - Nastavak 8. sjednice Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici sabornica prije poèetka sjednice. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ/ ik

The Croatian Parliament’s European Affairs Committee, which was inaugurated last week, held its first session on Wednesday at which the head of the office of the Lithuanian Embassy in Zagreb, Deividas Stankevicius, presented the priorities of Lithuania’s EU presidency. Lithuania took over the EU’s six-month rotating presidency on 1 July, the day when Croatia entered…

Croatian parliament enacts 145 laws since April

Zagreb, 13.03.2013 - Tomislav Karmarko i potpredsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Tomislav Èuljak tijekom sjednice Hrvatskog sabora. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The Croatian Parliament was in session for 39 days or 266 hours from April to mid-July, discussing 197 items and enacting 145 laws, statistics presented to the press show.   MPs spent 1.3 hours on average discussing each item on the agenda, and of the 145 laws adopted, as many as 81 were adopted unanimously.…

NGOs dissatisfied with bill on strategic investment projects

The nongovernmental associations – Gong, Pravo na Grad, Transparency International Croatia, Zelena Akcija and the Association of Croatian Architects – on Tuesday submitted to the Economy Ministry their remarks to and criticism of the government-sponsored bill on strategic investment projects, saying it was detrimental and of poor quality and that it would not attract investors.…

Defence of education for democratic citizenship and human rights

On this occasion, Croatian civil society organizations would like to support the Memorandum to the Council of Europe regarding the Spanish government’s project to remove democratic citizenship and human rights education in school curriculum, and also express full support to the Spanish civil society organizations in their struggle to defend Education for Democratic Citizenship and…