Consultations on new election law to resume this week

Zagreb, 09.04.2014 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustva Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici predsjednik Odbora Peða Grbin. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The parliamentary groups of the ruling coalition will this week resume talks on a new law on the election of members of parliament and attempt to formulate a joint proposal which they would propose to other parliamentary groups, the chairman of the parliamentary committee on the Constitution, Pedja Grbin (SDP), said on Monday. Although it…

Parliamentary committee allocates funds for parties

Zagreb, 09.04.2014 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustva Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici predsjednik Odbora Peða Grbin. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The parliamentary committee on the Constitution on Friday decided on the allocation of funds for the financing of parliamentary parties and independent MPs who will receive HRK 5 million more in 2015 than this year. The parties will receive HRK 55 million in total, allocated according to the number of seats they had when the…

“Ineffective municipalities and cities shouldn’t necessarily be abolished, but functional mergers are a must”

Should counties be abolished, is there a need to reduce the number of cities and municipalities and why is decentralization such a frequent buzzword? How can the power of local political bosses be curbed and the quality of governing common goods and public services increased? Are election results important for the results of LOTUS and…

Parliamentary committee wants court to assess outsourcing referendum question

Zagreb, 09.04.2014 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustva Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici predsjednik Odbora Peða Grbin. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution proposed on Wednesday that Parliament formally ask the Constitutional Court to assess the constitutionality of the referendum question on outsourcing of non-core public-sector services.   The proposal was backed by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) members of the Committee. The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) members did not attend, while…

Parliamentary committee formulates referendum bill

Zagreb, 16.12.2013 - Saborski odbori za Ustav i za zakonodavstvo danas su na zajednièkoj sjednici jednoglasno i gotovo bez rasprave utvrdili prijedlog izmjena Ustava RH, istovjetan tekstu koji je Sabor ranije potvrdio kao nacrt ustavnih promjena. Arhivska fotografija od 09.04.2013. godine prikazuje Peðu Grbina tijekom sjednice Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav Hrvatskog sabora. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The parliamentary committee on the Constitution on Wednesday formulated a new referendum bill which, despite objections from the opposition and the committee’s external members, retains a provision under which signatures for referendum petitions would be collected only in state administration offices and via the e-citizens service. External member Nenad Zakosek said signature collection must be…

Committee asks govt. to check signatures for motorways referendum

Zagreb, 16.12.2013 - Saborski odbori za Ustav i za zakonodavstvo danas su na zajednièkoj sjednici jednoglasno i gotovo bez rasprave utvrdili prijedlog izmjena Ustava RH, istovjetan tekstu koji je Sabor ranije potvrdio kao nacrt ustavnih promjena. Arhivska fotografija od 09.04.2013. godine prikazuje Peðu Grbina tijekom sjednice Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav Hrvatskog sabora. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System unanimously decided on Tuesday to ask the government to crosscheck the signatures collected for a referendum against the leasing of motorways to monetise their debt, and the decision is expected to be confirmed by parliament. A civil group called “We won’t give our motorways”…