Parliament Speaker announces new session of Sabor

Zagreb, 05.06.2013 - Zastupnici glasuju tijekom sjednice Hrvatskog sabora. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK /ds

This year’s first regular session of parliament will start on January 21 and is scheduled to run for ten weeks, Parliament Speaker Josip Leko announced after a meeting of the parliament’s presidency on Tuesday. Leko explained that now that the Christmas break was over the parliament would continue with its usual schedule of two sessions…

Road union rep not surprised by constitutional court’s decision

President of the Independent Roads Union Mijat Stanic, who was the main person behind an initiative to call a referendum against the government’s plan to lease Croatian motorways, said on Tuesday that he wasn’t surprised that the Constitutional Court had rejected a request to temporarily ban any further procedures until the referendum was finalised. “The…

Constitutional court rejects request for temporary ban on motorway lease

Zagreb, 10.12.2013 - Hrvatski helsinški odbor je u povodu Meðunarodnog dana ljudskih prava, 10. prosinca uruèio nagrade za izvanredne zasluge u zaštiti i promicanju ljudskih prava. Sveèanost dodjele nagrada održana je pod visokim pokroviteljstvom predsjednika Hrvatskog sabora Josipa Leke. Na slici predsjednica Ustavnog suda RH Jasna Omejec. Foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ/ dag

The Constitutional Court on Monday rejected a request by a civil society group that objects to leasing Croatia’s motorways to ban the government and transport ministry from taking any further steps in this regard until the results of a referendum are made known, stating that there are no grounds for the Constitutional Court to act…

Invalid ballots indicate reluctance of voters to back either option offered

Sunday’s presidential runoff in Croatia was marked by a high turnout as well as by a very high number of invalid ballots which analysts interpret as a statement by part of the electorate that they do not support either of the two political options offered. More than 60,000 invalid ballots were cast in the runoff…

Croatia’s first woman president wins 50.74 pct of votes

The winner of Croatia’s presidential election on Sunday, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, has won 50.74% of the vote, while outgoing President Ivo Josipovic has won 49.26%, according to the results from 99.98% of polling stations, the State Election Commission said on Monday. Grabar-Kitarovic won 1,114,865 and Josipovic 1,082,430 votes. The turnout was 59.06% and 32,435 ballots were…

Commemorative rally held in Zagreb following attack on Charlie Hebdo

About 50 people, including representatives of the media, gathered in Zagreb’s French Republic Square on Thursday to pay tribute to the victims of Wednesday’s terrorist attack on the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people were killed. The rally was organised by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, a member…