Explore GONGs’ new web site, much clearer and more attractive, containing more information, that are organized into three main categories: electoral system, good governance and active citizens. In order for information to be of the highest quality possible and for communication to focus on key policies and social processes, the interested public is now able…
Author: admin
3.7 million eligible voters for EP elections in Croatia
A total of 3,740,951 voters will be entitled to vote in Croatian elections for the European Parliament on April 14, or as many as 763,814 fewer than at the referendum on Croatia’s accession to the European Union, held in January 2012, Public Administration Minister Arsen Bauk said on Friday. Bauk held a press conference to…
Research, advocacy and education
Every GONGs program consists of activities enforced by one of three methods, ensuring quality and applicability of the results. It is a somewhat cyclical process – research is conducted on a certain topic so the results could serve as a basis for advocating change. The education of citizens and advocating for change then follows. You can read more…
How will Croatia ensure continued work on the reforms?
The Platform of Croatian civil society organizations for protection and promotion of human rights welcome the conclusion of the European Commission that Croatia is expected to continue developing its track record in the field of the rule of law, notably in the fight against corruption. While waiting for the Government’s response as to how this…
GONG urges citizens to vote in EP elections
The nongovernmental election monitoring organisation GONG issued a statement on Friday to draw attention to the importance of forthcoming elections for the European Parliament in Croatia, calling on citizens to vote. “Elected deputies will have a great responsibility to regularly report and communicate with citizens about their work and results achieved because the European…
Election Innovations Conference
In the year that the European Union has declared the European Year of Citizens, GONG held an international conference on “Innovation Fair Election” under the auspices of the President of the Croatian Parliament Josip Leko 19th and 20 March 2013. National and University Library in Zagreb 9:30 to 18:00 pm. The aim of this international…