A referendum cannot be called on reducing human rights no more

Zagreb, 09.12.2013 - Sjednica saborskog Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav. Na slici predsjednik Odbora Peða Grbin i Milorad Pupovac. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

The Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System on Monday took into account some of the objections stated during a public debate on a bill of amendments to the Constitution and unanimously proposed to parliament to discuss a partially amended draft Constitution, with novelties referring mostly to the referendum issue. The Committee was…

Constitutional changes – what will they bring?

Zagreb, 26.11. 2013 - Tematska sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav. foto FaH/Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ik

The chair of the parliamentary Constitution Committee, Pedja Grbin, would not comment on Tuesday’s decision by the Constitutional Court that a six-day public discussion on constitutional changes was unacceptably short and that the procedure for amending the Constitution was in contravention of the constitutional provision on the rule of law as the highest value of…

Marriage referendum NGOs reveal campaign costs

The “Citizens vote against” group on Tuesday presented the cost of its preparations for a December 1 marriage referendum, amounting to HRK 285,000 so far, and called on the “In the name of the family” initiative, which had collected signatures for the referendum, to do the same. Vanja Skoric of “Citizens vote against” told the…

“Current events reflect widespread intolerance”

Human rights ombudswoman Lora Vidovic has said on the occasion of International Day for Tolerance, observed on November 16, that current events in society indicate that unacceptable and discriminatory expression is widespread in Croatia, mainly against minorities, and that the basic tool in fighting for a more tolerant society is knowledge. Current events regarding the…

NGOs send pope letter concerned over recent events in Vukovar

Zagreb, 14.11.2013 - (Ilustracija) Ustavni sud dovršio je danas dvodnevne konzultacije o referendumu te utvrdio da nema razloga za poništavanje saborske odluke o referendumu o braku, neslužbeno se doznaje na tom sudu. Arhivska fotografija od 23.1.2013. godine prikazuje sjednicu Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske. Foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ/ ik

Several nongovernmental organisations sent a letter to Pope Francis concerning the recent events in Vukovar in which they express their concern over the attitude by the episcopate in Croatia, “and in particular Cardinal Josip Bozanic and some other bishops who publicly expressed their objection to bilingualism in this eastern Croatian town.” “In their public appearances…

Marriage initiative welcomes referendum, NGOs disappointed

The “In the Name of the Family” initiative welcomed the Constitutional Court’s decision on Thursday that a marriage referendum can be held, while non-governmental organisations, whose request for the assessment of the constitutionality of the referendum’s question the Court said was unauthorised, said the decision opened the door to a clerical campaign. Initiative representative Zeljka…