“Motorway leasing could lose EUR 10.5m”

Ahead of collecting signatures for a referendum against the leasing of motorways, the “We won’t give our motorways” civil initiative on Friday displayed the number 80 billion outside the government to warn about the alleged amount Croatia would lose if motorways were leased to monetise their debt. One of the initiators of the referendum petition,…

“The motorways are a development project”

Several trade unions and civil society groups announced on Monday they would start gathering signatures for a petition for a referendum against leasing the motorways, and called on citizens to support their initiative. The nationwide signature-gathering campaign will last from October 11 to 25. The referendum question would be: “Are you in favour of a…

Citizens of Dubrovnik showed clear message of how to be a good citizen

Dubrovnik, 16.04.2013 - Ministarstvo pomorstva prometa i infrastrukture proslijedilo je putnièkim dubrovaèkim agencijama dopis kojim se oèituje o njihovom upitu o zakonitosti odluke o plaæanju naknade za prekomjernu upotrebu gradskih prometnica koju je uveo grad Dubrovnik 1. sijeènja ove godine, u kojem stoji da grad nije nadležan za odreðivanje te naplate. Arhivska fotografija od 07.05.2006 prikazuje panoramu Dubrovnika. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR/ ik

In a democratic society, it is legitimate to fail with an initiative, but it is much more dangerous for a democracy to lack initiatives and people who fight for the common good and public interest. The Dubrovnik referendum has brought up hundreds of people who are willing to dedicate their time, knowledge and experience fighting…

“Multilingualism in Vukovar is not an exception but a rule”

Vukovar, 02.09.2013 - Dvadesetak policajaca ispred zgrade policijske postaje Vukovar nije uspjelo spriječiti stotinjak prosvjednika da nasilno uklone ploče s dvojezičnim napisima sa zgrade policije. Na slici prosvjednici čekićem razbijaju ploču na zgradi Policije. foto FaH/ ds

Multilingualism is an imperative of the cultural identity of Europe where many languages are both a majority and a minority language at the same time, and it is therefore necessary to preserve multilingualism in European countries, including Croatia – this was the message of a round table debate entitled “European Wealth of Multilingualism: Quo vadis,…

Lawmakers, judges, prevent referendum on Cyrillic script!

Civil society organisations involved in an initiative called “All of Us – For a Croatia of Us All” appealed to members of the Croatian Parliament and Constitutional Court judges to prevent a referendum on the official use of Cyrillic alphabet. The organisations asked the lawmakers to ensure protection of national equality in Croatia by addressing…

Multilingualism as wealth – Cyrillic script does not spell out war

Zagreb, 10.12.2013 - Okrugli stol "Europsko bogatstvo višejeziènosti: Quo vadis croatia?", takoðer povodom Meðunarodnog dana ljudskih prava, organiziraju Graðanski odbor za ljudska prava i koalicija nevladinih organizacija Platforma 112 u okviru graðanske kampanje "Svi mi- za Hrvatsku svih nas". foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

„Intolerance towards a minority and the symbols of its cultural identity limits the freedoms, rights and safety of Croatian citizens, including the members of the majority group, by persuading them that these ‘Others’ pose a constant and nefarious threat.“ This warning was issued yet again on the Human Rights Day, December 10, during a round…