2005 – Presidential Election

Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja, do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije, iduæe godine. Arhivska fotografija od 25.11.2007. godine prikazuje graðane dok glasuju. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

At the election held on January 2, 2005 citizens of theRepublic of Croatia were electing the president of the Republic of Croatia among 13 candidates. Since none of the candidates received 50% + 1 vote at the election, in the second round of the election held on January 16, 2005 they were electing the president…

2000 – Presidential Election

epa03644359 Peter Leonardy, initiator of the so-called 'Zeitgeist Forum' examines the large hands of a clock made around 1900 by the company Benedikt Schneider and sons in Karlsruhe, Germany, 29 March 2013.During the night of the 30 March 2013 the time is switched to summer time. Clocks will 'spring forward' by one hour EPA/ULI DECK

Citizens of Republic of Croatia were electing for the third time their president on the elections held on 24 January 2000, on about 7000 pooling stations in and outside Croatia. The whole of Croatia was one electoral unit. Nine candidates were running for the president of which three were independent and six party candidates. Citizens…