To the occupation of the HRT we answer with an unprecedented boycott

Zagreb, 25.02.2019 - Konferencija za novinare Gong-a, u povodu bojkota Hrvatske radio-televizije (HRT) kojemu se prikljuèilo 40-tak udruga, novinara, sindikata, politièkih stranaka i politièara. Na fotografiji predsjednik Nezavisnog cestarskog sindikata Mijat Staniæ, izvršna direktorica Gonga Jelena Berkoviæ, èlan Programskog vijeæa HRT-a Nikola Baketa. foto HINA / Denis CERIÆ /dc

It is a political responsibility, primarily of the ones that are currently in the position of power, the fact that they enabled – by actions or oversights – for the HRT not to represent a public media service we deserve, but to serve in enabling the relativisation and normalisation of the instances not welcome in…

Digital competition about youth mobility

Call for participation in digital competition about youth mobility is open for youth between 18 and 35 until 28th of February 2017. Participate in the digital competition for youth between 18 and 35! The aim of the competition is to collect video and other digital contents made by students about their mobility experiences so that…

GEAR: Global Education Active Response

GONG is implementing a project in collaboration with schools and civil society organizations from five European countries with the aim of improving programs for social inclusion and citizenship / intercultural education. The project GEAR: Global Education and Active Response for Protection of Human Rights, Inclusion and Democratic Values in Intercultural Societies aims to build on…

Production of content: the challenges and needs of youth

A youth workshop was held during January in Zagreb, that focused on the topic of participation in decision-making and the possibilities of using the Internet to express the needs of youth.   GONG continues to regularly organize educational activities for teachers and youth. On the 19th of January 2017 in Zagreb a pilot training on…

Public discussion “Enough with the hatred!”

Human rights House Zagreb and GONG organised a public discussion on hate speech, where the publication “Hate Speech and Unacceptable Speech: A Guide for Politicians” and an online platform where presented. „When a public expression is characterized as hate speech, it is worth noting that in recognition of such a speech it is essential…

Radman’s replacement Blitzkrieg against media pluralism

Zagreb, 05.07.2013 - Glavni ravnatelj HRT-a Goran Radman rekao je danas da se neæe sam povuæi s HRT-a te poruèio kako više neæe tolerirati zavjeru protiv HRT-a za koju je optužio politièare, interesne klanove i novinare koji prate HRT zbog èega su oni prije kraja napustili konferenciju za novinare. Na slici zgrada HRT-a na prisavlju. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /dc

ZAGREB, March 3 (Hina) – Platform 112, an association of 60 civil society organisations, on Thursday described as a “Blitzkrieg against media pluralism” the proposal by the parliamentary committee on information, computerisation and the media that the parliament replace Croatian Radio and Television (HRT) director-general Goran Radman and appoint HRT editor Sinisa Kovacic as acting…