New anti-corruption strategy this year

Zagreb, 24.04.2013 - Ravnatelj USKOK-a Dinko Cvitan, ministar pravosuða Orsat Miljeniæ i savjetnik Predsjednika Republike za nacionalnu sigurnost Saša Perkoviæ tijekom sjednice Nacionalnog vijeæa za praæenje provedbe Strategije suzbijanja korupcije na temu "Vrednovanje uèinaka i analiza Strategije suzbijanja korupcije iz 2008. godine". foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

Justice Minister Orsat Miljenic on Wednesday announced that by the end of the year Croatia would have a new strategy to fight corruption and a revised action plan in that regard. “The idea is to have fewer measures than now”, Miljenic said in parliament at a meeting of the National Council to Monitor the Implementation…

„Right to Good Administration in Croatian Practice

epa03644178 A businessman uses a tablet computer at a park in Tokyo, Japan, 29 March 2013. Japan's unemployment rate edged up by 0.1 percentage points to 4.3 per cent in February 2013, the government said 29 March 2013. The number of unemployed people dropped by 120,000 from a year earlier to 2.77 million, falling year-on-year for the 33rd consecutive month, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said. EPA/KIYOSHI OTA

GONG is organizing conference „Right to Good Administration in Croatian Practice“ which will be held on 26th April (Friday) 9 am, at the International hotel in Zagreb. Presented at the conference will be the results of the Index of Good Governance in Croatia (DUH index), a research including analysis of all ministries, the Government, the…

The Government spends millions on cars, but has no money to fight corruption

Zagreb, 13.03.2013 - Predsjednik Vlade Zoran Milanoviæ, potpredsjednica Vlade i minsitrica vanjskih i europskih poslova Vesna Pusiæ, potpredsjednik Vlade i ministar regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije Branko Grèiæ, ministar unutarnjih poslova Ranko Ostojiæ i ministar obrane Ante Kotromanoviæ tijekom sjednice Vlade RH. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK /ds

The Government has got the money for renovation of its vehicle fleet, but has none for the protection of the citizens constitutional rights to access information, though it is one of the basic means for preventing corruption. Perhaps we are not talking about Faberge eggs here, but European gold could remain out of reach for…

Fight against corruption as a way of life

epa03644178 A businessman uses a tablet computer at a park in Tokyo, Japan, 29 March 2013. Japan's unemployment rate edged up by 0.1 percentage points to 4.3 per cent in February 2013, the government said 29 March 2013. The number of unemployed people dropped by 120,000 from a year earlier to 2.77 million, falling year-on-year for the 33rd consecutive month, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said. EPA/KIYOSHI OTA

Due to delay in naming political corruption the major social and political problem in Croatia, the anticorruption policy in Croatia in the period 2008-2011 lacked the analysis of the actual situation in the specific areas. This was one of the main conclusions reached in the round table discussion entitled “Anticorruption policy perspectives without pressures from…