NGOs to ask if golf courses law conforms with Constitution

Zagreb, 22.03.2013 - Predstavljanje knjige "Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava" autorice Jasne Omejec. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

Four nongovernmental organisations on Friday said that they would soon file a request with the Constitutional Court to assess whether the recently adopted law on golf courses conformed with the Constitution. The law, which elicited strong criticism among environmental protection organisations and some opposition parties, took effect on 1 January 2009. ZAGREB, Jan 23 (Hina)…

NGOs call for better access to information

Zagreb, 14.4.2013.- Izborni dan do 11 sati u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu prolazi bez dojava GONG-u o veæim nepravilnostima tijekom prvih izbora za Europski parlament. Na arhivskoj fotografiji izvršni direktor GONG-a Dragan Zeliæ tijekom briefinga za novinare u Zagrebu 10.10.2011. godine. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ua

A survey on the implementation of the Right of Access to Information Act shows that over 50 per cent of requests for information addressed to government institutions were not responded to in accordance with procedure. The results of the survey, conducted by the non-governmental organisation GONG from May to September this year on a sample…

Drive launched to inform public of Law on Right to Access Information

epa03642358 A Chinese technician debugs a row of video surveillance cameras for pubilc safety which are assembled on a pole in the Qingdao city, eastern China's Shandong province, 27 March 2013. China's public safety budget reaches at 128.989 billion yuan (Euros 16.227 billion) in 2013, up some nine per cent compared to last year, according to the Ministry of Finance. EPA/WU HONG

Transparency International Croatia (TIH) and the nongovernmental organisation GONG will carry out between September 9 and October 15 a national drive called “We have the right to know”, aimed at informing citizens about the Law on the Right to Access Information and prompting public authorities to put more effort in informing the public. ZAGREB, Sept…

GONG: Government not open to the public

epa03621518 A Member of the European Parliament raise his hand in a voting during the plenary session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 13 March 2013. The European Parliament rejected the compromise of EU governments for the financial planning of the European Union until 2020. EPA/PATRICK SEEGER

The Croatian government is not open to the public, thus violating the principles of good governance and responsibility towards citizens, representatives of the nongovernmental organisation GONG said on Thursday, presenting the findings of a six-month project monitoring the government‘s work. ZAGREB, Aug 28 (Hina) – The Croatian government is not open to the public, thus…

Implementation of freedom of information act

Croatia adopted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in late 2003 as a result of NGO coalition “Citizens have a right to know” advocacy campaign. However, implementation of FOIA in Croatia was questionable due to insufficient experience, education as well as inadequate capacity of administrative staff responsible for enforcement. Croatia adopted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)…

Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs)

According to the Action Plan of National Strategy for Inciting Development of Civil Society, working group created a platforme which aim is to define criteria for acquiering PBO status, based on the fact that civil society in Croatia is developed enough to diferentiate between organizations established for member purposes only and those established for promoting…