GONG representative monitors parliamentary election in Albania

epa03642358 A Chinese technician debugs a row of video surveillance cameras for pubilc safety which are assembled on a pole in the Qingdao city, eastern China's Shandong province, 27 March 2013. China's public safety budget reaches at 128.989 billion yuan (Euros 16.227 billion) in 2013, up some nine per cent compared to last year, according to the Ministry of Finance. EPA/WU HONG

GONG representative, Maja Kocis, will participate in parliamentary elections in Albania set for 28 June 2009, as a part of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission to Albania. GONG representative, Maja Kocis, will participate in parliamentary elections in Albania set for 28 June 2009, as a part of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission to Albania. The OSCE/ODIHR…

2009 – Local Elections

Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja, do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije, iduæe godine. Arhivska fotografija od 25.11.2007. godine prikazuje graðane dok glasuju. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

On April 15th, by Government’s decree, elections for members of representative bodies of local and regional units of self-government were announced as well as elections for municipal mayors, mayors, county mayors and the Mayor of The City of Zagreb. Elections were held on Sunday, May 17th 2009, the second round and re-run elections were held…

GONG representative in Parliamentary Election Monitoring Mission in Lebanon

Zagreb, 14.4.2013.- Izborni dan do 17,30 sati u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu protjeèe bez dojava GONG-u o veæim nepravilnostima tijekom prvih hrvatskih izbora za Europski parlament, sudeæi prema pozivima graðana u GONG koji dojavljuju manja kršenja izborne šutnje ili probleme biraèa bez valjanih osobnih iskaznica koji nisu upisani u popis biraèa. Na arhivskoj fotografiji izvršni direktor GONG-a Dragan Zeliæ tijekom konferencije za novinare u Zagrebu 2.10.2012. godine. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ua

GONG representative Dragan Zelić will take a part in NDI (National Democratic Insitute) international election observation delegation for the Parliamentary election in Lebanon on 7 June 2009 .


Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja, do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije, iduæe godine. Arhivska fotografija od 25.11.2007. godine prikazuje graðane dok glasuju. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

Transparency International Croatia (TIH) and the GONG NGO said on Thursday there was still no real political will in Croatia to combat corruption, and that since nearly all political parties and election candidates failed to issue early financial reports, the May 17 local elections could not be given a passing grade. ZAGREB, May 28 (Hina)…


epa03621509 Flags are seen in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 13 March 2013. The European Parliament rejected the compromise of EU governments for the financial planning of the European Union until 2020. EPA/PATRICK SEEGER

Please find project‘s reports here: Pilot project season 2006/2007Theworkshops were conductedin 143 high schools in the Republic of Croatia. 601 workshops were held during the second term, from 21 February to 7 May 2007. Twenty specially educated trainers conducted the workshops with more than 16,000 participating high school seniors.Report for 2006/2007 (111 KB) Project season 2007/2008…

GONG reports election irregularities

Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije iduæe godine. foto FaH / Damir SENÈAR /ds

The non-governmental election monitoring organisation GONG reported a large number of violations of the electioneering ban by political parties and independent candidates during local elections in Croatia on Sunday. ZAGREB, May 17 (Hina) – The non-governmental election monitoring organisation GONG reported a large number of violations of the electioneering ban by political parties and independent…