Platform 112: Čačić should resign

Last week the First Deputy Prime Minister Radimir Čačić was found guilty in court in Hungary, where he was tried for causing a traffic accident in which two people were fatally injured. We are disappointed by recent statements given by the Prime Minister Zoran Milanović that disparaged the Hungarian legal system and relativized the concept…

Fight against corruption as a way of life

epa03644178 A businessman uses a tablet computer at a park in Tokyo, Japan, 29 March 2013. Japan's unemployment rate edged up by 0.1 percentage points to 4.3 per cent in February 2013, the government said 29 March 2013. The number of unemployed people dropped by 120,000 from a year earlier to 2.77 million, falling year-on-year for the 33rd consecutive month, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said. EPA/KIYOSHI OTA

Due to delay in naming political corruption the major social and political problem in Croatia, the anticorruption policy in Croatia in the period 2008-2011 lacked the analysis of the actual situation in the specific areas. This was one of the main conclusions reached in the round table discussion entitled “Anticorruption policy perspectives without pressures from…

„GONG for citizen activism and democratic development“ goes to Split Pride 2011

Zagreb, 14.4.2013.- Izborni dan do 11 sati u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu prolazi bez dojava GONG-u o veæim nepravilnostima tijekom prvih izbora za Europski parlament. Na arhivskoj fotografiji izvršni direktor GONG-a Dragan Zeliæ tijekom briefinga za novinare u Zagrebu 10.10.2011. godine. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ua

„Citizen activism is still quite an endemic occurrence in Croatia, while the citizen courage is a virtue possessed by rare ones among us” said Nives Miošić, Head of GONG Research Centre, during today’s award giving ceremony at the Faculty of Political Science. The annual award of the GONG Council was given for the third time,…

Independent body to protect the right of access to information

epa03642358 A Chinese technician debugs a row of video surveillance cameras for pubilc safety which are assembled on a pole in the Qingdao city, eastern China's Shandong province, 27 March 2013. China's public safety budget reaches at 128.989 billion yuan (Euros 16.227 billion) in 2013, up some nine per cent compared to last year, according to the Ministry of Finance. EPA/WU HONG

GONG supports the formation of an independent body designed to protect the right of access to information, as a member of the work group for FOIA Act amendments. The introduction of an Information Commissioner would guarantee high-quality implementation of the Act since this person would be able to file complaints against decisions to withhold information.…

Pilot educational program “Civic Literacy”

Zagreb, 12.04.2013 - (Arhivska fotografija- Ilustracija) Veæina uèitelja, njih 85 posto, vrlo dobro su ocijenili dosadašnji program struènog usavršavanja, no predlažu veæu zastupljenost rada s darovitim uèenicima i s onima koji imaju teškoæe u razvoju, kao i usavršavanje u aktivnom uèenju i pouèavanju, primjeni novih tehnologija nastavi, ocjenjivanju i mentorstvu te u uèinkovitoj izradi plana osobnog profesionalnog razvoja. foto FaH /Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ik

Formal educational system does not provide fundamental knowledge of political literacy. Thereby GONG launched a pilot educational program “Civic Literacy” within EDUcentre. Program included 27 high school teachers that were trained through three program modules (political, media and the EU literacy) on how to communicate idea of active citizenship to their students and, actually, how…

Whose government is the most transparent one? LOTUS 2011/12 Research Results

epa03642358 A Chinese technician debugs a row of video surveillance cameras for pubilc safety which are assembled on a pole in the Qingdao city, eastern China's Shandong province, 27 March 2013. China's public safety budget reaches at 128.989 billion yuan (Euros 16.227 billion) in 2013, up some nine per cent compared to last year, according to the Ministry of Finance. EPA/WU HONG

From September 2011 to February 2012, GONG conducted the second round of research focused on transparency and openness of local and regional self-government. The research was carried out in cooperation with the Association of Cities of the Republic of Croatia, including each of the 576 units of local and regional self-government. The aim was to…