Coordinate and protect the European Parliament election

In the run up to the campaign for the European Parliament election, Gong gives some recommendations for the public authority bodies to minimise the threats to the democracy on the internet. They are the result of discussions from the international conference and the expert forum organised by Gong at the beginning of February. They give…

To the occupation of the HRT we answer with an unprecedented boycott

Zagreb, 25.02.2019 - Konferencija za novinare Gong-a, u povodu bojkota Hrvatske radio-televizije (HRT) kojemu se prikljuèilo 40-tak udruga, novinara, sindikata, politièkih stranaka i politièara. Na fotografiji predsjednik Nezavisnog cestarskog sindikata Mijat Staniæ, izvršna direktorica Gonga Jelena Berkoviæ, èlan Programskog vijeæa HRT-a Nikola Baketa. foto HINA / Denis CERIÆ /dc

It is a political responsibility, primarily of the ones that are currently in the position of power, the fact that they enabled – by actions or oversights – for the HRT not to represent a public media service we deserve, but to serve in enabling the relativisation and normalisation of the instances not welcome in…

The Church must not be privileged, we want reports

Zagreb, 10.02.2019 - Središnje euharistijsko slavlje u èast blaženog Alojzija Stepinca, na Blaženikov spomendan, predvodio je zagrebaèki nadbiskup kardinal Josip Bozaniæ. Na fotografiji Josip Bozaniæ. foto HINA/ Admir BULJUBAŠIÆ/ abu

As an organisation that advocates transparency, Gong calls on the Catholic Church, the biggest religious group in the Republic of Croatia, to publicly issue its annual financial reports. Gong wrote to the Cardinal Josip Bozanić and the president of the Croatian Conference of Bishops Želimir Puljić and invited them to issue the financial reports to…

How to fight corruption with Bandić?

Zagreb, 28.01.2018 - Konferencija za novinare Udruge GONG na temu "Kako ići u borbu protiv korupcije s Milanom Bandićem?". Na fotografiji Oriana Ivković Novokmet, Jelena Berković. foto HINA/ Admir BULJUBAŠIĆ/ abu

Gong is requesting a withdrawal of anti-corruption proposal by which organisations have to cooperate with the city or county leaders, for Zagreb, that means cooperating with Milan Bandić. Gong requested that the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs withdraws and changes the terms of 85 million Kuna worth anti-corruption proposal by the European Social Fund…

Hot Issues for Croatia’s Presidency of the EU in 2020

This analysis presents 8 key topics relevant for the upcoming Croatian Presidency of the EU in 2020. It is intended for all European citizens, and civil and political actors who critically fight against the fascization of Europe. Six months prior to the European elections, the amplification of anti-immigrant sentiment all the way to sheer verbal…

Share your EU experience with us!

In order to better understand the process of enlargement of the European Union and to intensify discussion on the experiences of the most recent EU member states, GONG, in cooperation with partner organizations, is implementing the EnlargEUrope project. Croatia has been a full member of the European Union for five years now. Becoming a member…