Parliament speaker doesn’t rule out extraordinary session

Zagreb, 22.05.2013 - Predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Josip Leko tijekom sjednice Hrvatskog sabora. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /ds

Croatian Parliament Speaker Josip Leko said on Monday that Parliament could, despite the summer recess prescribed by the Constitution, hold an extraordinary session given that Croatia, as an EU member state, should promptly react to initiatives from the European Union or the government concerning EU affairs. Earlier today, parliament wrapped up its 8th session and…

Croatian Parliament appoints Committee on European Affairs

The Croatian Parliament appointed a Committee on European Affairs on Friday. The Committee chairman is Daniel Mondekar of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) and his deputies are Gordan Jandrokovic of the opposition Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and Jozo Rados of the Croatian People’s Party, a junior partner in the ruling coalition. The Committee has…

SDP initiative to amend constitution stumbles at first step

Zagreb, 12.07.2013 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav. Na slici Peða Grbin, Vladimir Šeks, Ingrid Antièeviæ Marinoviæ, Ivo Jelušiæ, Marim Jurjeviæ i Milorad Pupovac. foto faH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ik

The ruling Social Democratic Party’s (SDP) initiative to amend the constitution to remove the statute of limitations on politically motivated killings did not receive the necessary support by the parliamentary constitution committee. The committee did not manage to agree to have the matter even put on the agenda with 5 members voting for and five…

Increase in number of complaints in first half of year

Human Rights Ombudswoman Lora Vidovic on Tuesday presented a report on the activities of her office and the human rights situation in 2012 and a report on her work in the first half of this year, saying that the number of people seeking assistance from her office had increased considerably this year. Vidovic told a…

Checking signatures for marriage referendum

Zagreb, 09.07.2013 - Sjednica Odbora za Ustav, Poslovnik i politièki sustav. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ lsd

The parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System on Tuesday adopted a conclusion recommending that the Sabor ask the government to checks citizens’ signatures gathered in May by a civil society initiative, ‘In the name of the family’, calling for a referendum. The civil society initiative, ‘In the name of the family’ in June…

EGSO: Warm welcom to its new Croatian colleagues

11. 04. 2012., Zagreb - Clanovi nestranacke udruge Gong fotografirani u prostorijama udruge na Trgu bana Jelacica. GONG je nestranacka udruga gradjana utemeljena 1997. radi poticanja gradjana na aktivnije sudjelovanje u politickim procesima. Marina Skrabalo. Photo: Davor Puklavec/PIXSELL

The European Economic and Social Committee extends a warm ‘welcome!’ to its new colleagues, the Civil Society representatives from Croatia. The Council today decided on the following appointments in the European Union’s institutions in the context of the accession of Croatia and it adopted a decision appointing the following nine Croatian members of the Economic…