Can democracy exist without trust? – looking for magic bullet

epa03702925 South African Rene Lion-Cachet is silhouetted at daybreak against a cloudy sky as a wild pigeon lands on his hand on a beachside bench in Cape Town, South Africa, 16 May 2013. Rene has been feeding the birds every morning for over four years and has built up a trusting relationship to the point where the birds eat pieces of rusk straight from his mouth. The birds recognise him as he arrives at the beach and land on him for their morning meal. EPA/NIC BOTHMA

In 2007 the United Nations General Assembly resolved to observe 15 September as the International Day of Democracy — with the purpose of promoting and upholding the principles of democracy — and invited all member states and organizations to commemorate the day in an appropriate manner that contributes to raising public awareness. Today on 15 September 2013 we use this occsasion…

“EU transparency: Where are we now?”


The International Right to Know Day was established in 2003 by access to information advocates from around the world. Given that there will be a new European Parliament and a new Commission in 2014, and given that his own mandate is coming to an end, the European Ombudsman is keen to examine how much progress…

NGOs believe in restoration of dialogue in Vukovar


The non-governmental organisations Documenta, the Centre for Peace Studies, GONG and the Centre for Peace issued a statement on Thursday following the latest developments in Vukovar, expressing their full support for establishing democratic standards and restoring dialogue so that the people of Vukovar could continue the peace building process by themselves. “Vukovar, as a town…

Croatia in EU – maybe too soon?

epa03808893 A information board at the townhall shows the new geographical center of the EU in Westerngrund, Germany, 31 July 2013. The geographical center of the European Union (EU) shifted from a town in federal state Hesse to Westerngrund, Bavaria after Croatia became an EU member. EPA/RALF HETTLER

“Prosecuting former prime minister Ivo Sanader signaled that Croatia was willing to check all the boxes to get into the European Union but one can’t be confident that the political culture has changed or that the institutions are completely and fully dealing with corruption”, said Jelena Berkovic, of GONG, a nongovernmental organization that focuses on…

Health Education to be introduced at start of this school year

Zagreb, 28.08.2013 - Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta predstavit će na konferenciji za novinare Plan i program Zdravstvenog odgoja, rezultate javne rasprave i Priručnike za Zdravstveni odgoj za osnovne i srednje škole. Na slici ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Željko Jovanović, ravnatelj Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje Vinko Filipović i član Povjerenstva za Zdravstveni odgoj Darko Tot. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK /ds

All the educational, technical and procedural conditions to introduce Health Education (HE) in primary and secondary schools have been met and it will be introduced at the start of this school year, Minister of Science, Education and Sports Zeljko Jovanovic told a press conference on Wednesday. He presented the results of a public debate, the…

EC to work on strengthening consumer protection in Croatia

Zagreb, 24.07.2013 - Predstavništvo Europske komisije održalo je prvu tiskovnu konferenciju u Kući Europe. Na slici voditelj predstavništva Branko Baričević predstavio je ulogu i okvir aktivnosti predstavništva nakon ulaska Hrvatske u EU. foto FaH/ Damir SENČAR /ds

The head of the European Commission Representation in Croatia, Branko Baricevic, said on Wednesday that the European Commission would be working on strengthening consumer protection in Croatia after a survey has revealed that Croatians regard themselves among the least protected consumers and as not being informed enough of their rights. The rules of the game…