European Parliament election in Croatia to be held on 25 May

Zagreb, 30.6.2013 - Predsjednik Europskog vijeæa Herman Van Rompuy, predsjednik Europske komisije Jose Manuel Barroso i predsjednik Europskog parlamenta Martin Schulz u nedjelju popodne su doputovali u Zagreb. Na slici radnici pripremaju pozornicu na Trgu sv. Marka, gdje æe se zajednièki fotografirati predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipoviæ, predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske Zoran Milanoviæ, predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Josip Leko, predsjednici država, parlamenata i vlada, predsjednik Europskog vijeæa, predsjednik Europskog parlamenta, predsjednik Europske komisije te šefovi izaslanstava. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR/ ua

President Ivo Josipovic on Wednesday called the election of 11 Croatian deputies to the European Parliament for 25 May, and urged citizens to turn out at those polls in large numbers, as he said, the polls would impact Croatia’s future. Elections for the European Parliament will be held in all member states of the European…

EP votes to increase transparency of decision-making

epa03621516 Members of the European Parliament are voting during the plenary session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 13 March 2013. The European Parliament rejected the compromise of EU governments for the financial planning of the European Union until 2020. EPA/PATRICK SEEGER

Access Info Europe has welcomed the decision [1] by the European Parliament to bring greater transparency to its decision making by recording and publishing records of final voting in committee. Previously most committee votes were taken by a simple show of hands and were not recorded. The decision, adopted on 26 February 2014, applies to…

EU elections – a vision of a future or a fall of a myth?

epa04108006 EU flags stand on a table during a photo opp at a flag store in Vienna, Austria, 03 March 2014. EU citizens will vote for a new EU parliament from 22 through 25 May 2014. EPA/GEORG HOCHMUTH

Distant, cold, inaccessible – the European Union – (yet another) accumulation of anonymous bureaucrats who oppress people with their absurd requirements. After all, who cares if the cucumber has a bump or not and should the carrots look stubby, when it is far more important to keep the fresh cottage cheese, “rakija” (brandy) and traditional…

Independent Reporting Mechanizam

The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is a key means by which all stakeholders can track OGP progress in participating countries. The IRM produces biannual independent progress reports for each country participating in OGP.  The progress reports assess governments on the development and implementation of OGP action plans, progress in fulfilling open government principles, and make…

Segon and Jakovcic found to be in conflict of interest and fined

Zagreb, 14.01.2014 - Pomoænik ministra financija Branko Šegon od HBOR-a i Hypo Alpe Adria Banke dobio je iznimno povoljan kredit sa znatno nižim kamatama i duljim poèekom uz državnu subvenciju, objavio je HTV u veèerašnjoj emisiji Studio 4. Na arhivskoj fotografiji od 23.07.2013. godine pomoènik ministra financija Branko Šegon govori tijekom konferencije u Minsitarstvu financija. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR /ik

The Conflict of Interest Commission unanimously decided on Friday that former Assistant Finance Minister Branko Segon was in a conflict of interest, referring the case to the State Prosecutor’s Office for further action. The Commission also unanimously decided that Ivan Jakovcic was in a conflict of interest while serving as head of Istria County from…

Radio industry ownership should be more transparent

Zagreb, 13.02.2014 - Predsjednik HND-a Zdenko Duka, èlan Vijeæa GONG-a i èlan Izvršnog odbora HND-a Luko Brailo, zamjenica izvršnog direktora GONG-a Jelena Berkoviæ, Daniela Žagar i Natalia Mirkoviæ tijekom okruglog stola o pluralizmu i vlasništvu medija na temelju analize lokalnog radijskog tržišta "Uska grla lokalnih radija u Hrvatskoj". foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

The ownership structure of Croatia’s radio industry should be more pluralistic, the private ownership should prevail with maximum transparency and honouring a good regulatory framework, a round table discussion said in Zagreb on Thursday. The discussion was held to mark World Radio Day, observed on 13 February. During the discussion, the results of a study…