When will the goverment recognize the potential of civic education?

Zagreb, 13.03.2013 - Predsjednik Vlade Zoran Milanoviæ, potpredsjednica Vlade i minsitrica vanjskih i europskih poslova Vesna Pusiæ, potpredsjednik Vlade i ministar regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije Branko Grèiæ, ministar unutarnjih poslova Ranko Ostojiæ i ministar obrane Ante Kotromanoviæ tijekom sjednice Vlade RH. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK /ds

Organizations gathered under the umbrella of GOOD Initiative for systematic and quality introduction of civic education in schools and Platform 112 hereby call upon the Government of the Republic of Croatia to ensure quality introduction and implementation of content and methods aiming at development of civic competences of pupils as active and responsible citizens pursuant…

Where is political responsibility? The Government should introduce civic education!

Worried about the recent information and contradictory statements made with regard to civic education by the new Minister of Education, Vedran Mornar, civil society organizations gathered in the GOOD Initiative (initiative for systematic and quality introduction of civic education in schools) and Platform 112 sent out a message at a press conference that the Government…

“Croatia needs reform of election legislation”

Zadar, 13.05.2013 - U zadarskoj Zraènoj luci danas je izvedena pokazna vatrogasna vježba "Ljeto 2013." kojom se željela provjeriti koordinacije vatrogasnih snaga u sklopu priprema za ljetnu sezonu požara. Uz predstavnike HV-a, Državne uprave za zaštitu i spašavanje (DUZS) i djelatnike žurnih službi s podruèja Zadarske županije te saborske zastupnike, na vježbi su bili i predsjednik Vlade RH Zoran Milanoviæ, izaslanik predsjednika Republike Zlatko Gareljiæ, ministar obrane Ante Kotromanoviæ i ministar unutarnjih poslova Ranko Ostojiæ. foto FaH/ ds

Croatia urgently needs a reform of its election legislation and the introduction of preferential voting, said legal experts on election legislation who attended a round table discussion organised by the Croatian Labour Party in the parliament on Monday. “Constituencies should be changed because their current structure does not contribute to politicians’ responsibility towards the electorate,”…

NGO proposes new model for conflict of interest prevention

A conflict of interest can happen not only at the level of government and ministries but low-ranking civil servants, too, can find themselves in such situations, which is why it is necessary to create a specific system for dealing with conflicts of interest, the GONG nongovernmental organisation said while presenting a proposal for amending the…

Towards managing conflict of interest

Croatian conflict of interest system has numerous deficiencies that contribute to declining levels of citizens’ trust in public institutions. Media are quick to report on scandals arising from undeclared and non-managed conflict of interest, as it is embedded in an increasing number of corruption cases against persons in high politics. Croatian political elite is facing…

Defamation provisions to remain in force, but …

Zagreb, 14.06.2014 - U Hrvatskom novinarskom društvu nastavljeni su Dani hrvatskog novinarstva sa raspravom o temi "Medijsko zakonodavstvo - što treba mijenjati?". Na slici potpredsjednica Hrvatskog novinarskog društva i novinarka Jutarnjeg lista Slavica Lukiæ, predsjednik Hrvatskog novinarskog društva Zdenko Duka i Ana Kordej iz Ministarstva pravosuða. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

Under draft amendments to the Penal Code defined by the Justice Ministry, the Penal Code will retain provisions on the criminal act of defamation but only the most serious cases of defamation, to be called grave defamation, will be penalised, the head of the Criminal Law Department of the Justice Ministry, Ana Kordej, said on…