Public Administration Ministry to recognise signatures of voters living outside Croatia

The Public Administration Ministry said on Monday, regarding the initiative for a referendum against the leasing of the motorways, that it would recognise the signatures of Croatian citizens not resident in Croatia, regardless of where they were collected. Leaders of that initiative on Monday requested instructions from the State Electoral Commission on how to gather…

Media Integrity Matters

The book promotion was held in the Croatian Journalists’ Association, followed by a public discussion panel themed “How to Return Media and Journalism to the Sphere of Public Interest – Croatian Case” and moderated by Brankica Petković (The Peace Institute). Introductory remarks set the tone for the rest of the discussion and highlighted many salient points arrived…

“We won’t give our motorways”

The “We won’t give our motorways” civil group began collecting signatures at midnight on Friday for a referendum against the leasing of motorways to monetise their debts. Signatures will be collected around the country until October 25. One of the group’s initiators, unionist Mijat Stanic, told Hina he was confident that those against the monetisation…

“Motorway leasing could lose EUR 10.5m”

Ahead of collecting signatures for a referendum against the leasing of motorways, the “We won’t give our motorways” civil initiative on Friday displayed the number 80 billion outside the government to warn about the alleged amount Croatia would lose if motorways were leased to monetise their debt. One of the initiators of the referendum petition,…

“Election laws won’t be changed without agreement with opposition”

Any amendments to electoral legislation, including on the election of members of parliament, are conditional on agreement with the opposition and such changes will not be adopted without an agreement, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said at a government session on Thursday. The government gave a positive opinion on amendments to the law on the election…

“The motorways are a development project”

Several trade unions and civil society groups announced on Monday they would start gathering signatures for a petition for a referendum against leasing the motorways, and called on citizens to support their initiative. The nationwide signature-gathering campaign will last from October 11 to 25. The referendum question would be: “Are you in favour of a…