NGOs to be allowed to finance referendums after all?

Public Administration Minister Arsen Bauk announced in Parliament on Tuesday that before the second reading of the bill on the financing of political activity, election campaigning and referendums he would ease the ban for civil society organisations to finance referendum activities. The ban was opposed by nearly all members of the Committee on the Constitution,…

E-counselling website launched for citizens to take part in law making

The Croatian government on Monday presented the central web portal “e-savjetovanja” (e-counselling) enabling citizens to take active part in law making. This is a unique portal in the world, as it brings together all public bodies in one site, said the head of the Croatian Office for Associations, Igor Vidacek. The web portal provides an…

NGOs and unions: No passaran to “castration of democracy”

Activists of a few nongovernmental organisations on Monday raised their voice against prohibiting civil society associations and foundations from financing referendum activities and promotion, as envisaged by a bill on financing political activities, election campaigns and referenda, which is to receive first reading in the national parliament. The activists warned that this bill would be…

70th anniversary of breakout from Jasenovac camp commemorated

Jasenovac, 26.04.2015 - Komemoracija u povodu 70. obljetnice proboja logoraša iz koncentracijskog logora Jasenovac, u nazoènosti i uz obraæanje preživjelih zatoèenika i visokih državnih uzvanika u poèast svim stradalima u tom logoru, kao i preživjelim zatoèenicama i zatoèenicima. Na slici preživjeli iz logora Jasenovac polažu vijenac. foto HINA/ Tomislav PAVLEK/ ik

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Sunday at a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the break-out of inmates from the Ustasha-run Jasenovac camp on 22 April 1945, that Croatia’s Constitution clearly states that the foundations of Croatia’s sovereignty are based on anti-fascist values of World War Two and not on the values of the…

TTIP – contribution to recovery of European and US economies?

epa04710107 Demonstrators hold placards during a protest against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), in Brussels, Belgium, 18 April 2015. Thousands of people took to the streets in various European countries to protest the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a free trade agreement being negotiated by the United States and EU members states. EPA/JULIEN WARNAND

A free trade agreement that is being negotiated between the European Union and the United States is an exceptionally important agreement that should contribute to the recovery of the European and American economies and it might be a starting point to define new, higher global standards, a conference in the Croatian parliament heard on Friday.…

Government calls elections for ethnic minority representatives

Zagreb, 19.05.2013 - Žena glasuje tijekom lokalnih izbora na kojima nešto više od 3, 7 milijuna biraèa bira lokalne dužnosnike za iduæe èetiri godine. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ /dc

The government on Thursday adopted a decision to, due to the expiration of their terms, call elections for members to national minority councils and minority representatives in local and regional self-government units for 31 May. They are elected to a term of four years and the last elections were held on 10 July 2011. Public…