Where did the European values disappear?

Centre for Peace Studies (CMS), Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity (CROSOL), Association of Croatian Trade Unions, Group 22 and Centre for Labour studies, are expressing deep concern over the serious threat to the fundamental European values of democracy, solidarity, social justice and human rights protection in the case of the current Greek debt crisis.…

“Referendum on referendums” initiative collects 315,000 signatures

A group of 15 trade unions and seven civil society organisations calling for “a referendum on referendums” have so far collected 315,000 signatures for their petition, the group’s coordinators said at a press conference in Zagreb on Thursday, appealing to the public to support their initiative over the remaining three days in order to “save…

ImamoPravoZnati.org – an opportunity for democratic political culture

In an effort to facilitate access to information concerning public authorities via the Internet and to contribute to transparency and responsibility toward citizens, the Programme for Croatia and GONG NGOs on Tuesday presented a new Internet platform – ImamoPravoZnati.org where citizens can search, in three steps, information concerning 6,000 public bodies. The new web site…

Draft public administration strategy presented to committee

Zagreb, 20.06.2013 - Sjednica Vlade Republike Hrvatske. Na slici Arsen Bauk. foto FaH/ ik

Public Administration Minister Arsen Bauk has said that the matter of efficient public administration should not be a field for political one-upmanship and in order to enhance the administration system the government has proposed a 2015-2020 Public Administration Strategy. Bauk on Tuesday acquainted the parliamentary Committee on the Constitution with the proposed three-section strategy focusing…

Milanovic says TTIP is in Croatia’s interest

Zagreb, 13.03.2013 - Predsjednik Vlade Zoran Milanoviæ, potpredsjednica Vlade i minsitrica vanjskih i europskih poslova Vesna Pusiæ, potpredsjednik Vlade i ministar regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije Branko Grèiæ, ministar unutarnjih poslova Ranko Ostojiæ i ministar obrane Ante Kotromanoviæ tijekom sjednice Vlade RH. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK /ds

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was in Croatia’s interest, criticising an interpellation of 21 Croatian members of parliament regarding the matter of this trade agreement being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. I can understand that someone wants to be politically popular, but the…

Referendum initiative submits two questions to Constitutional Court

The “Pro Referendum” civic initiative submitted two referendum questions to the Constitutional Court on Monday for evaluation, which it intends to raise – that signatures for referendums can be collected at any appropriate place, as is the case now, and that referendums can be called if requested by 200,000 voters or five percent of all…