The media’s balance between free speech and hate speech and how to develop media literacy in education and society

The conference between freedom of speech and hate speech – media literacy in the education system and society was held on October 16, 2015 at Journalists House, Perkovčeva 2, Zagreb. It is held with the financial support of the fund “Alumni Engagment Innovation ” of the US State Department, the program centers on knowledge of…

The media’s balance between free speech and hate speech and how to develop media literacy in education and society

The conference between freedom of speech and hate speech – media literacy in the education system and society was held on October 16, 2015 at Journalists House, Perkovčeva 2, Zagreb. It is held with the financial support of the fund “Alumni Engagment Innovation ” of the US State Department, the program centers on knowledge of…

The media’s balance between free speech and hate speech and how to develop media literacy in education and society

The conference between freedom of speech and hate speech – media literacy in the education system and society was held on October 16, 2015 at Journalists House, Perkovčeva 2, Zagreb. It is held with the financial support of the fund “Alumni Engagment Innovation ” of the US State Department, the program centers on knowledge of…

Education is the last hope for democratic political culture

“I’m required to be very well acquainted with the political organization of France in the late 18th century, but as far as the current political situation goes, I still successfully continue with knowing that the Prime Minister is a prime minister, ” said Hrvoje Kožić, a 3rd grade student at 5th gymnasium in Zagreb, explaining…

Confusion and ignorance—a fertile ground for manipulation

Zagreb, 12.04.2013 - (Arhivska fotografija- Ilustracija) Veæina uèitelja, njih 85 posto, vrlo dobro su ocijenili dosadašnji program struènog usavršavanja, no predlažu veæu zastupljenost rada s darovitim uèenicima i s onima koji imaju teškoæe u razvoju, kao i usavršavanje u aktivnom uèenju i pouèavanju, primjeni novih tehnologija nastavi, ocjenjivanju i mentorstvu te u uèinkovitoj izradi plana osobnog profesionalnog razvoja. foto FaH /Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ik

During April and May 2015, GOOD Initiative (initiative for systematic and quality introduction of civic education in schools) and Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, with a council of researchers, conducted quantitative research on political literacy of high school graduate students on a national representative sample of 1146 participants. The sample was selected using techniques…

The lack of will to participate in the political process

epa03679776 A general view of the runners during the 36th Madrid's Marathon in Madrid, central Spain, 28 April 2013. Some 26,000 people took part in the event. EPA/Emilio Naranjo

“These results are much less about young people, and much more about us as a society and what we have been doing over the past 20 years,” said Berto Šalaj, a member ofthe GONG Council, while commenting on the results of investigations of the political literacy of students finishing high school in Croatia. “No one…