In order to better understand the process of enlargement of the European Union and to intensify discussion on the experiences of the most recent EU member states, GONG, in cooperation with partner organizations, is implementing the EnlargEUrope project. Croatia has been a full member of the European Union for five years now. Becoming a member…
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Why Does the EU Presidency Matter?
The purpose of this online public consultation is to detect the problems and solutions that European active citizens consider critical for the democratic and sustainable development of the EU and protection of the European values over the upcoming two years of the new EU presidency. You can take part in the public consultation HERE, through the online…
Professional teacher training on EU topics
More than 20 high school teachers from all parts of Croatia participated in a three-day education course (29.-31.8.2018., Zagreb, Croatia) on the EU topics. By gaining membership in the European Union, every Croatian citizen became a citizen of the Union. Understanding the institutions and mechanisms, as well as the rights and obligations that are enabled…
GEAR youth trainings and exchanges in May
GONG and other partner organizations in the GEAR project – including Nansen Dialogue Centre from Osijek, CIVES from Spain, Mirovni inštitut from Slovenia, GSI Italia from Italy and Nansen Dialogue Centre Skopje from Macedonia – held a series of youth trainings , exchanges and workshops in Jezerčica and Osijek. During May, the partner organizations in…
MEGA Campaign: Make Europe Great for All!
As Europe undergoes many political changes and important decisions are to be made, the European Civic Forum and its member organizations such as GONG want to ensure that the processes are democratic and inclusive of all Europeans. The European Civic Forum – ECF is a transnational network that brings together over 100 associations and NGOs…
GONG is a partner in the implementation of the „Against Hate“ project, which focuses on monitoring the incidence of hate speech in the public space and raising the capacity of the police and judiciary to address both hate speech and sanction hate crimes. In Croatia, hate speech is on the rise – discriminatory, inflammable and…