Commemorative rally held in Zagreb following attack on Charlie Hebdo

About 50 people, including representatives of the media, gathered in Zagreb’s French Republic Square on Thursday to pay tribute to the victims of Wednesday’s terrorist attack on the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people were killed. The rally was organised by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, a member…

DIP says repeating voting at one polling station can’t affect election result

Zagreb, 18.5.2013.- Na sutrašnjim lokalnim izborima 3.758.638 biraèa u Hrvatskoj birat æe opæinske naèelnike, gradonaèelnike i župane te èlanove lokalnih i regionalnih predstavnièkih tijela - njih ukupno 9576 na razdoblje od èetiri godine. Na arhivskoj fotografiji glasaèki listiæ i glasaèka kutija tijekom izbora za èlanove Europskog parlamenta 14.4.2013. godine. foto FaH / Damir SENÈAR/ ua

The State Electoral Commission (DIP) on Tuesday stated officially that the second round of presidential elections would be held on Sunday, January 11, and that competing against one another would be the two candidates who had won the most votes in the first round on December 28 – Ivo Josipovic of the Social Democratic Party…

Presidential runoff candidates can raise donations by 9 Jan

Zagreb, 01.03.2013 - Prosjeèna mjeseèna isplaæena neto plaæa po zaposlenom u pravnim osobama u Hrvatskoj za prosinac 2012. godine iznosila je 5.487 kunu, što je nominalno 3,4 posto manje i realno 3,3 posto manje u odnosu na studeni, objavio je Državni zavod za statistiku (DZS). Ilustracija od 16.08.2012. godine prikazuje kovanice. foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ /ds

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic and his challenger Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), who will compete in the presidential runoff set for 11 January, can raise donations for their campaigns until 9 January, the State Electoral Commission (DIP) recalls. The ceiling for funds to be spent on campaigning in the run-up to…

Josipovic wins 38.46% of votes, Grabar Kitarovic 37.22%

Zagreb, 29.12.2014.- Nakon prebrojanih 99,98 posto biraèkih listiæa, prednost Ive Josipoviæa nad Kolindom Gramar Kitaroviæ na nedjeljnim predsjednièkim izborima još je nešto smanjena, i prema izvješæu Državnog izbornog povjerenstva (DIP) od ponedjeljka u 6 sati, iznosila je "tijesnih" 1,24 posto. Naime, u prvom krugu predsjednièkih izbora Ivo Josipoviæ osvojio je 38,46 posto, a Kolinda Grabar-Kitaroviæ 37,22 posto glasova biraèa. Od druge druge dvojice kandidata, Ivan Vilibor Sinèiæ osvojio je 16,42 posto, a Milan Kujundžiæ 6,30 posto glasova, naveo je DIP u privremenim neslužbenim rezultatima izbora za predsjednika Republike Hrvatske, od ponedjeljka u 6 sati. infografika HINA/ Zvonimir KUHTIÆ/ ua

After 99.98% of ballots have been counted, Ivo Josipovic’s advantage over Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic in Sunday’s presidential election has been additionally reduced, and according to a report by the State Electoral Commission (DIP) at 6am on Monday, the difference now is a slim 1.24%. In the first round of elections on Sunday, Ivo Josipovic, the…

GONG: Presidential election took place mainly in democratic atmosphere

Zagreb, 28.12.2014 - Glasaèka kutija na glasaèkom mjestu tijekom Predsjednièkih izora na kojima graðani biraju Predsjednika RH po šesti puta. foto HINA/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

The non-governmental election-monitoring organisation GONG said on Sunday night that the presidential election had taken place mainly in a democratic atmosphere, with reports by citizens of the incompetence and indifference of polling committee members. Queries by citizens indicate that many committee members are insufficiently informed of the voting procedure and show the need for systematic…

Campaigning ban in place ahead of Croatia’s presidential poll on Sunday

Zagreb, 19.05.2013 - Žena glasuje tijekom lokalnih izbora na kojima nešto više od 3, 7 milijuna biraèa bira lokalne dužnosnike za iduæe èetiri godine. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

A ban on electioneering went into force at midnight on Friday and will last until 1900 hrs Sunday when polling stations close for Croatia’s presidential election in which the incumbent head of state Ivo Josipovic and three challengers are competing. Campaigning ban in place ahead of Croatia’s presidential poll on Sunday ZAGREB, Dec 27 (Hina)…