Instead of a windmill, could the “new” EU become a lighthouse?

The crisis of the democratic legitimacy of the European Union is very serious, and the optimism regarding its future can hardly and scarcely be found. At the same time, the upcoming elections for the European Parliament should provide hope in its brighter future, but to the citizens the EU remains distant, complicated and “intended for”…

The Don Quijote in Europe – who “nicked” the last EU elections?

The Europe is not all rivers of honey and milk, but is Toni Vidan the Don Quijote? – we could make a joke after the discussion with this veteran activist in the area of environment protection and sustainable development, the member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and one of the last year’s…

Open government – a framework for society of equal opportunities”

Zagreb, 25.3.2014.- Održana je konferencija „Otvorena Hrvatska“ na kojoj se raspravljalo o stanju transparentnosti u Hrvatskoj, ocijenio dosadašnji napredak u provedbi inicijative „Partnerstvo za otvorenu vlast“.Na konferenciji su sudjelovali, meðu inima, predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipoviæ, ministar znanosti obrazovanja i sporta Željko Jovanoviæ, zamjenik ministrice vanjskih i europskih poslova i predsjednik Savjeta Vlade RH za Partnerstvo za otvorenu vlast Joško Klisoviæ i pomoènik ministra financija Boris lalovac. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK/ tp

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic said on Wednesday the international Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative opened the door to a new and different democracy in which the public was more involved in decision-making and had greater expectations of those in power. “A society which is not ready for openness will be a stagnating society,” he said…

“Multilingualism in Vukovar is not an exception but a rule”

Vukovar, 02.09.2013 - Dvadesetak policajaca ispred zgrade policijske postaje Vukovar nije uspjelo spriječiti stotinjak prosvjednika da nasilno uklone ploče s dvojezičnim napisima sa zgrade policije. Na slici prosvjednici čekićem razbijaju ploču na zgradi Policije. foto FaH/ ds

Multilingualism is an imperative of the cultural identity of Europe where many languages are both a majority and a minority language at the same time, and it is therefore necessary to preserve multilingualism in European countries, including Croatia – this was the message of a round table debate entitled “European Wealth of Multilingualism: Quo vadis,…

European Parliament election in Croatia to be held on 25 May

Zagreb, 30.6.2013 - Predsjednik Europskog vijeæa Herman Van Rompuy, predsjednik Europske komisije Jose Manuel Barroso i predsjednik Europskog parlamenta Martin Schulz u nedjelju popodne su doputovali u Zagreb. Na slici radnici pripremaju pozornicu na Trgu sv. Marka, gdje æe se zajednièki fotografirati predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipoviæ, predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske Zoran Milanoviæ, predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Josip Leko, predsjednici država, parlamenata i vlada, predsjednik Europskog vijeæa, predsjednik Europskog parlamenta, predsjednik Europske komisije te šefovi izaslanstava. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR/ ua

President Ivo Josipovic on Wednesday called the election of 11 Croatian deputies to the European Parliament for 25 May, and urged citizens to turn out at those polls in large numbers, as he said, the polls would impact Croatia’s future. Elections for the European Parliament will be held in all member states of the European…