Electoral innovation – an opportunity for the democratization of democracy

As citizens’ trust in politics and political processes is diminishing on a daily basis and uncertainty is increasing unlike the available space for public debate, democracy is once again in question. One may ask if we live in a democracy at all. But, should we give up or invest our energy into its preservation and…

March 18 deadline for submission of candidate lists for EP elections

Zagreb, 05.03.2013 - Svi prijedlozi kandidacijskih listi za izbor èlanova u Europski parlament (EP), koji æe biti održani 14. travnja, moraju Državnom izbornom povjerenstvu (DIP) prispjeti do ponoæi, 18. ožujka. Arhivska fotografija od 22.01.2012. godine prikazuje predsjednika Državnog izbornog povjerenstva Branka Hrvatina pred doèeka objave prvih rezultata referenduma o pristupanju Hrvatske Europskoj uniji. foto FAH/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

All lists of candidates for European Parliament elections, which will be held in Croatia on April 14, must be submitted to the State Electoral Commission (DIP) by midnight March 18, the commission said in a statement on Tuesday. Within 48 hours of the expiry of the deadline for the submission of lists, DIP will make…

What are the Achilles’ heels of the Government?

Zagreb, 6.3.2013 - Platforma 112, koju saèinjavaju i podupiru više nevladinih udruga, organizirala je konferenciju za novinare na kojoj su predstavili "Izvještaj o radu Vlade na ispunjavanju zahtjeva Platforme 112". Na slici Eugen Jakovèiæ, Sanja Sarnavka, Saša Šegrt i Jelena Berkoviæ. Foto FaH/ Dario GRZELJ/ dag

At the presentation of the Civil Society Assessment Report of the Croatian Government Performance in view of 112 Requests (excerpt from the Report is available here) in the House of Human Rights on Wednesday, 6 March 2013, members of Platform 112 warned that the positive improvements to enhance the transparency and openness of the institutions…

Croatia to hold 1st election for its members of European Parliament on 14 April

Zagreb, 01.03.2013 - Izbori za hrvatske zastupnike Europskog parlamenta održat æe se 14. travnja, objavio je u petak hrvatski predsjednik Ivo Josipoviæ, naglasivši da je tu odluku donio nakon konzultacija s vladom, parlamentarnim strankama i nevladinim udrugama. Arhivska fotografija od 16.11.2012. godine prikazuje predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Ivu Josipoviæa dok daje izjavu za medije u Uredu Predsjednika. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR /ds

 Croatia will hold its first election for its deputies to the European Parliament on 14 April, Croatian President Ivo Josipovic said on Friday. The president told the press that the decision to call the elections for Croatian MEPs on 14 April was made after he had held consultations with the government, parliamentary parties and nongovernmental…