Happy Global Elections Day

Zagreb, 14.04.2013 - U Hrvatskoj su u sedam sati otvorena birališta na kojima æe biraèi glasovati za izbor 12 èlanova u Europski parlament (EP) koji æe Hrvatsku u tom tijelu predstavljati od ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, 1. srpnja do redovitih izbora za èlanove EP-a na razini cijele Unije iduæe godine. foto FaH / Damir SENÈAR /ds

The basic pillar of democracy is free and fair elections!

The basic pillar of democracy is free and fair elections!

In September 2005, the Global Election Officials Conference was held in Hungary.

Through this conference, the election experts sent an important message about the vital need to strengthen the process of democratic development in the world.

Because of the importance of this message the participants launched an initiative to celebrate an annual “Global Elections Day” on the first Thursday of February every year.

This year, February 4, is the Global Elections Day.

Therefore, GONG congratulates every organization and individual who through thier work, engagement and volunteerism helped promote and improve this, the most important democratic process.

We wish you free and fair elections in 2010!