Joint opinion of Croatian Civil Society Organizations on Chapter 23

On Wednesday, February 16, the Joint Opinion was delivered to the European Commission, EU Parliament members, embassies and parliamentary boards for foreign policy of EU member states. The Opinion was written in English due to a short deadline for delivery set by the EU Delegation in the Republic of Croatia, but was translated to Croatian immediately afterwards.

On Wednesday, February 16, the Joint Opinion was delivered to the European Commission, EU Parliament members, embassies and parliamentary boards for foreign policy of EU member states. The Opinion was written in English due to a short deadline for delivery set by the EU Delegation in the Republic of Croatia, but was translated to Croatian immediately afterwards.

We expect and demand from all executive, legislative and judiciary institutions a public statement and responsibility for implementation of all suggested priority benchmarks that require urgent undertaking in order to ensure that the Croatian citizens will have their rights protected within Croatia’s accession to the EU.

We expect from the Government and the National Committee to submit to the Croatian public a Report on Benchmark Implementation for Closing Negotiations on Chapter 23 that was sent to the EC on Friday, February 10, 2011. We also request for all negotiation standpoints that don’t have a justification for a confidential status, especially in the final stage of negotiation to be publicized.

Joint opinion of Croatian Civil Society Organizations on Chapter 23 can be downloaded here. (pdf, 255 KB)