Civil Society Priorities for the Croatia’s EU Presidency

Croatian civil society organizations, gathered in the informal network Forum 2020, through in-person consultations in five cities (Rijeka, Varaždin, Split, Osijek and Zagreb) as well as online consultations, have come to an agreement on the priorities for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from January to June 2020. We are cognizant that…

Ads are not labeled as political, and some don’t even appear

The election campaign for the European Parliament in 2019 was the first election campaign in which we have had a somewhat better insight into a political advertisement on social media, especially on Facebook. In accordance to the promise of increasing transparency in advertising which Facebook has given to the European Union, the campaign has provided…

Hot Issues for Croatia’s Presidency of the EU in 2020

This analysis presents 8 key topics relevant for the upcoming Croatian Presidency of the EU in 2020. It is intended for all European citizens, and civil and political actors who critically fight against the fascization of Europe. Six months prior to the European elections, the amplification of anti-immigrant sentiment all the way to sheer verbal…

Share your EU experience with us!

In order to better understand the process of enlargement of the European Union and to intensify discussion on the experiences of the most recent EU member states, GONG, in cooperation with partner organizations, is implementing the EnlargEUrope project. Croatia has been a full member of the European Union for five years now. Becoming a member…

Commissioners’ travel expenses remain hidden from public

Access Info Europe and 53 requesters from across Europe appealed to the European Ombudsman about the European Commissions’ failure to register, process, and respond to requests for the 2016 travel expenses of EU Commissioners. Even though requests were submitted over 5 months ago the Commission has failed to process these requests in line with EU…

Open letter to the EU published today

Mr Frans TimmermansFirst Vice-President of the European CommissionRue de la Loi 2001049 BrusselsBrussels, 22 March 2017 Dear First Vice-President Timmermans, Ahead of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, we the undersigned organisations urge the European Commission not to abandon its leadership role in fighting the scourge of corruption in the…