The main reason for poor implementation of the Freedom to Information Act is the lack of political will for real change

Zagreb, 11.04.2013 - Nastavak 8. sjednice Hrvatskog sabora. Na slici sabornica prije poèetka sjednice. foto FaH/ Denis CERIÆ/ ik

On yesterday‘s GONG round table “Test of public interest and the Right of Access to Information”, organized in the Croatian Parliament on the occasion of the upcoming International Day of Access to Information, dissatisfaction could be felt with the existing law, poor implementation of institutions and with the culture of secrecy that prevails in the…

GONG to get UN ECOSOC consultative status

Zagreb, 14.4.2013.- Izborni dan do 11 sati u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu prolazi bez dojava GONG-u o veæim nepravilnostima tijekom prvih izbora za Europski parlament. Na arhivskoj fotografiji izvršni direktor GONG-a Dragan Zeliæ tijekom briefinga za novinare u Zagrebu 10.10.2011. godine. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ/ ua

GONG‘s activities and efforts in the civil society sphere have been awarded with the prestigious ECOSOC consultative status. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system. GONG’s application for ECOSOC consultative…

Good governance

epa03644178 A businessman uses a tablet computer at a park in Tokyo, Japan, 29 March 2013. Japan's unemployment rate edged up by 0.1 percentage points to 4.3 per cent in February 2013, the government said 29 March 2013. The number of unemployed people dropped by 120,000 from a year earlier to 2.77 million, falling year-on-year for the 33rd consecutive month, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said. EPA/KIYOSHI OTA

Honesty, accountability and openness to the public are guarantees for governance without abuse and corruption, with full respect for the rule of law. Although a single definition of good governance does not exist, the principles on which good governance rests are identical to the public, business and nonprofit sectors. What is good governance? Good governance…

Annulment of the amendments to the Freedom of Information Act – last chance for the ruling elite to do something right

Zagreb, 22.03.2013 - Predstavljanje knjige "Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava" autorice Jasne Omejec. foto FaH/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINIÆ /ds

After yesterday‘s decision by the Constitutional Court to annul the recently adopted amendments to the Freedom of Information Act, GONG believes that the Government and the Parliament got a new chance to improve the Act by which they can guarantee the achievement of one of the fundamental human rights. The decision by the Constitutional Court…

Joint opinion of Croatian Civil Society Organizations on Chapter 23

On Wednesday, February 16, the Joint Opinion was delivered to the European Commission, EU Parliament members, embassies and parliamentary boards for foreign policy of EU member states. The Opinion was written in English due to a short deadline for delivery set by the EU Delegation in the Republic of Croatia, but was translated to Croatian…

The answer to the remaining gaps in the political activities and election campaign regulation

Zagreb, 10.04.2013.- Prosjeèna neto plaæa zaposlenih u pravnim osobama u Zagrebu za sijeèanj ove godine iznosila je 6.399 kuna, što je u odnosu na mjesec prije predstavlja blagi nominalni pad, za 0,1 posto ili za pet kuna. Arhivska fotografija od 14.1.2011. godine - ilustracija. foto FaH/ Damir SENÈAR/ ik

Although the Croatian government has made a significant step towards achieving international standards and better regulation of that problematic area by proposing a new bill on political activities and election campaign financing, some important areas will still remain insufficiently regulated. Although the Croatian government has made a significant step towards achieving international standards and better…