From September 2011 to February 2012, GONG conducted the second round of research focused on transparency and openness of local and regional self-government. The research was carried out in cooperation with the Association of Cities of the Republic of Croatia, including each of the 576 units of local and regional self-government. The aim was to…
Author: admin
GONG Rings for Democracy
„September 1999. The three of us are in the office of the then President of the Croatian Parliament, holding boxes containing 28,000 signatures of people requesting the introduction of non-partisan election monitoring into the electoral law, collected in 28 cities. Vlatko Pavletić looks at us with interest, maybe even with sympathy: ‘You‘re young and clever,…
Assessment of the new Government by Platform 112
Platform 112 presents assessment regarding the work on these 112 demands during the first quarter of the new government, or symbolically during the first 112 days of its term. Platform 112 is developed by 60 civil-society organisations in Croatia that are continuously working on protection of human rights, democratisation, peace-building, combating corruption, and protecting public…
We’re only 15!
GONG took its first action exactly 15 years ago – it was observing the local self-government elections held on April 13 1997. Before that, for the purposes of independent and unbiased supervision over the election process, which was made impossible during the 1990ties, and at the initiative of the activists gathered under the Coordination of…
Efforts to improve the implementation of legislation in Croatia
Efforts are being made to impose adequate sanctions to the parties that have violated regulations, and to give the issue of party funding the proper place in public legal and political sphere. After the State Audit Office detected a series of irregularities and violations while conducting financial audit of political parties and independent representatives for…
The conclusions from the GONG round table: The priorities are structural reforms, as well as clear information and active involvement of citizens
The process of reforms for Croatia did not end with the closing of accession negotiations and the referendum. On the contrary, on all levels Croatia is facing demands for structural reforms in many areas of life and work. Those are some of the essential conclusions of the discussion at the GONG round table titled “After…