The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) released the 15th edition of its Non-Governmental Sustainability Index (NGOSI) – now called the Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) in recognition of the broad range of nonprofit civil society organizations (CSO) active in the region. This year’s edition covers civil society developments during calendar year 2011. The…
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Platform 112: Čačić should resign
Last week the First Deputy Prime Minister Radimir Čačić was found guilty in court in Hungary, where he was tried for causing a traffic accident in which two people were fatally injured. We are disappointed by recent statements given by the Prime Minister Zoran Milanović that disparaged the Hungarian legal system and relativized the concept…
Fight against corruption as a way of life
Due to delay in naming political corruption the major social and political problem in Croatia, the anticorruption policy in Croatia in the period 2008-2011 lacked the analysis of the actual situation in the specific areas. This was one of the main conclusions reached in the round table discussion entitled “Anticorruption policy perspectives without pressures from…
„GONG for citizen activism and democratic development“ goes to Split Pride 2011
„Citizen activism is still quite an endemic occurrence in Croatia, while the citizen courage is a virtue possessed by rare ones among us” said Nives Miošić, Head of GONG Research Centre, during today’s award giving ceremony at the Faculty of Political Science. The annual award of the GONG Council was given for the third time,…
Independent body to protect the right of access to information
GONG supports the formation of an independent body designed to protect the right of access to information, as a member of the work group for FOIA Act amendments. The introduction of an Information Commissioner would guarantee high-quality implementation of the Act since this person would be able to file complaints against decisions to withhold information.…
Pilot educational program “Civic Literacy”
Formal educational system does not provide fundamental knowledge of political literacy. Thereby GONG launched a pilot educational program “Civic Literacy” within EDUcentre. Program included 27 high school teachers that were trained through three program modules (political, media and the EU literacy) on how to communicate idea of active citizenship to their students and, actually, how…