With Croatia’s accession, the European Union is getting a member who brings an authentic, added value – its recent experience of the war as well as social, political and economic transition. New opportunities arise for Croatia, primarily its young, educated professionals that could have barely been dreamed of by previous generations. Yet, on the day…
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EU millions for Croatia and reducing differences
As of July 1, Croatia will participate in the cohesion policy through which the European Union ensures money for less developed regions and member countries, having at its disposal millions of euros from funds aimed at reducing economic and social differences as well as at strengthening the European economy. Europe’s solidarity policy is implemented through…
Sabor recommends limiting discussion time on certain topics
The Croatian parliamentary presidency will be able to, in exceptional cases, recommend that a discussion of a certain topic can last a specified time and that the time assigned for discussion for political parties be on par to their representation in the Sabor, the chairman of the parliamentary Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and…
Parliament in EU affairs – on the wrong side of St. Mark’s Square?
The Croatian Parliament opened its session on Wednesday with a debate on a bill governing cooperation between the country’s Parliament and Government in European affairs, which is due to take effect on July 1. Under the bill, the Prime Minister and the Government will be required to report more often than initially foreseen on EU…
NGOs express dissatisfaction with strategic investments bill
Several non-governmental organisations on Thursday gathered outside the government building to express their dissatisfaction with a bill on strategic investment projects, claiming that the bill was not transparent and facilitated shortcuts for “privileged investors”. The risks to terrain, public good and transparent management still exist in the bill, the NGOs said after the government sent…
Government sends strategic investments bill to parliament
The government sent to parliament on Thursday a bill on Croatia’s strategic investment projects aimed at encouraging investments by shortening and simplifying administrative procedures. The bill defines criteria for the selection of strategic projects, including compliance with physical plans, capital costs of at least HRK 150 million, and the possibility of co-financing from European Union…