Civic education in schools – “I know, I think, I act”

A civil society association promoting a systematic and well thought-out introduction of education for human rights and democratic citizenship in schools, which goes by the acronym GOOD, on Tuesday called for support to its campaign for the introduction of civics in schools, prompting a response from the GROZD association which said that civic education was…

“Personalization is the icing on the cake of democracy”

epa04148214 (FILE) A file photo dated 27 August 2007 shows the building of the European Central Bank (ECB) behind the Euro sign logo by artist Otmar Hoerl in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Annual eurozone inflation fell to a more-than four-year low in March increasing the pressure on the European Central Bank to act to head off fears of deflation. The region's cost of living slumped to 0.5 per cent in March compared with 0.7 per cent in February, the European Statistics Office Eurostat said on 31 March 2014. EPA/MAURITZ ANTIN *** Local Caption *** 51150520

Tax havens, euro bonds and the losers in the debt crisis … these were some of the topics in a SPIEGEL interview between leading candidates Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz because this May European voters will decide for the first time who becomes the president of the European Commission.  Who believs in the power of consensus and who…

Instead of a windmill, could the “new” EU become a lighthouse?

The crisis of the democratic legitimacy of the European Union is very serious, and the optimism regarding its future can hardly and scarcely be found. At the same time, the upcoming elections for the European Parliament should provide hope in its brighter future, but to the citizens the EU remains distant, complicated and “intended for”…

The Don Quijote in Europe – who “nicked” the last EU elections?

The Europe is not all rivers of honey and milk, but is Toni Vidan the Don Quijote? – we could make a joke after the discussion with this veteran activist in the area of environment protection and sustainable development, the member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and one of the last year’s…

Open government – a framework for society of equal opportunities”

Zagreb, 25.3.2014.- Održana je konferencija „Otvorena Hrvatska“ na kojoj se raspravljalo o stanju transparentnosti u Hrvatskoj, ocijenio dosadašnji napredak u provedbi inicijative „Partnerstvo za otvorenu vlast“.Na konferenciji su sudjelovali, meðu inima, predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipoviæ, ministar znanosti obrazovanja i sporta Željko Jovanoviæ, zamjenik ministrice vanjskih i europskih poslova i predsjednik Savjeta Vlade RH za Partnerstvo za otvorenu vlast Joško Klisoviæ i pomoènik ministra financija Boris lalovac. foto FaH/ Tomislav PAVLEK/ tp

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic said on Wednesday the international Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative opened the door to a new and different democracy in which the public was more involved in decision-making and had greater expectations of those in power. “A society which is not ready for openness will be a stagnating society,” he said…